Questions and Answers

Is a one-time visit to the offices possible?

The program does not have one-time visits. Just take part in the full program, which includes a visit to the offices for ninth-grade pre-major students. The program is intended for schools interested in collaborating for a year and participating in the full program.

How much does participating in the program cost?

Google Israel covers the cost for hosting the program participants (refreshments, halls, lecturers). The schools must only cover the transportation cost to and from Google's offices.

Why is a one-year commitment required?

We believe that a long-term working relationship is needed in order to encourage more women to choose technology professions and computer science in particular. We are not just interested in making a difference with the ninth-graders who visit our offices; we want each and every girl at the school to feel that all options are open to her.

Does the leading teacher have to be a computer science teacher?

This is recommended but not mandatory. What is really important to us is that the leading teacher be strongly committed to promoting gender equality at schools. For the program to best work, the school staff should closely cooperate with each other, including the administration, the computer science teacher and the school's ninth-grade program coordinator.

Are there any restrictions on language/school location/district affiliation?

We are open to all.

Is hosting a group of boys studying computer science possible under the program?

Mind the Gap is intended for junior high school girls only.