Program Details


We are glad you are interested in promoting gender equality at your school. You are on the right track. Every year we collaborate with about 45 schools across Israel in Mind the Gap. We do this in order to increase the number of teenage girls choosing to extend their computer science studies into high school. As part of the collaboration with your school, we work with teachers and students on this track in addition to the meetings with ninth-grade students.

We believe that gender equality at schools is reflected not only in the number of girls pursuing computer science studies, but also in the school atmosphere.

How does our work?

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We are looking for a leading teacher at the school who is willing to put the topic on the school's agenda. What does being a leading teacher in the Mind the Gap program entail?

1. Attending two teacher meetings at Google's offices (one at the beginning of the year and one at the end)

2. Choosing ninth-graders with computer science potential to visit Google's offices and coordinating the visits as well.

3. Choosing the school's mentors. Mentors are students majoring in computer science who are also persuasive and have good presentation skills in front of an audience; they will be assigning activities related to computer science majors throughout the year to the ninth-graders. The leading teacher will be responsible for coordinating the mentoring activities for the school's ninth-grade students.

Mentors - Computer science major students.

The mentors will serve as role models in the school for students approaching the decision on which major to choose.

What do the mentors do throughout the year?

1. Attend three training sessions a year at Google during which time students receive tools for assigning ninth-graders activities and after-school computer science material.

2. Assign (at least) two activities to ninth-graders at the school.

3. Serve as the point of contact for ninth-graders majoring in computer science.

Potential Candidates - Students who have not yet chosen a track

Who is this for?

Students with good potential for majoring in computer science. Activities offered during the year:

1. Going through the activities of the school's mentors - becoming familiar with the world of programming.

2. Visiting Google's offices, meeting with engineers and touring the offices.

3. Hackathon for ninth-graders - meeting with engineers and introduction to basic programming concepts.