Rainbows/Brownies at the Mercat Centre

Post date: Jun 26, 2012 10:43:04 AM

The local Rainbows and Brownies group now meets in the community centre each Monday from 5:45 - 6:45 pm.

The Rainbows are the youngest of the Girl Guiding groups and is open to girls aged from five to seven. They follow a programme called the Rainbow Jigsaw, which involves a wide range of activities and games. Being a Rainbow is all about learning, developing self-confidence, building friendships and, of course, having lots of fun!

The Rainbow Jigsaw has four areas:

Look: We encourage girls to look around them and learn about their own environment and community. We also help them understand that they are part of a wider world, perhaps through crafts or games from around the globe, or learning about festivals from other cultures.

Learn: Rainbows learn by taking part in a wide range of activities such as trying out crafts and recipes, playing games and visiting local places of interest. A representative from the RSPCA might come to a meeting to talk about looking after pets or a police officer might come to explain to the girls about road safety.

Laugh: Rainbows have lots of fun. Meetings involve games, songs, parties, celebrations and making a mess! Girls love sleepovers too!

Love: Through Rainbows, girls learn about caring and sharing with family and friends, working together, fair play, and being considerate and helpful to others.

For futher information see the Rainbows webpage: https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/about_us/what_do_girls_in_guiding_do/rainbows.aspx