David M.C. Miller - the museum

David M.C. Miller - the museum

    • Interior with Group 1, Auschwitz, 1995

    • Interior with Group 2, Auschwitz, 1995

    • Display with Window Reflections, Auschwitz, 1995

    • Walking into Crematory, Theresienstadt, 1995

    • Malgorzata, Lublin, 1995

    • Reichstag, Berlin, 1998

    • November 1, 1995, 1995

    • Archivist's Locker, Warsaw, 1995

    • Woman with a Cane, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 2000

    • Sidewalk Shadows, Jerusalem, 2000

    • Gas Chamber, Crematorium, Auschwitz, 2005

    • Mark, Kracow, 2005

Since 1995, I photographed throughout Central and Western Europe and in Israel. I photographed at Auschwitz, Majdanek, Bergen-Belsen, and Terezín and in former Jewish ghettos including those in Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz and Lublin. I photographed archives and in museums dedicated to the preservation of Jewish cultural heritage before and following World War II. The central theme concerns the representation of the unrecoverable. This landscape of memory, silence and absentia shows that history cannot be fully articulated or in photographs, represented. Nevertheless, the spaces we assign to bare this historical weight can be: the museum.

100+ selenium toned, fibre-based, gelatine silver prints: 50.9 x 40.7cm (20”x16”)