David M.C. Miller - the execution

David M.C. Miller - the execution

    • The Execution,

    • W139, Amsterdam 1993

A spacious gallery with unfinished, old brick and mortar walls: a few moments are needed to adjust to the level of dimness. A single candle burns on the floor close to one wall; the room’s only source of illumination. By means of video projection, the candle light is multiplied, cast upon two walls.

One camera frames the candle and its flame and, in turn, projects its (upturned) image onto the opposite wall. A second camera focuses a detail of the wall illuminated by the candle--the home and web of a living spider. Periodically the spider emerges from its hole in the wall. Its enlarged, 'monstrous' proportions are cast as an image.

The candle burns and the spider moves. The continuous motion of the flame registers the presence of people in the space.

Two live single channel video projections. No video recording takes place.