Testing Python multiprocessing

This piece of code is intended for those interested in running python on a cluster with embarrassingly parallel processes;

You can use 'htop' to check all cores are being used.

Let me know of any bugs/improvements in parallelization!


#cd to folder where you placed mp_hello.py

#then run 'python mp_hello.py &'

#to view output run 'less logs/mp_hello*date*.log'


#if that works then comment line 111

#and uncomment line 112 to run large job

Expected output:


This node has 4 cores

Perform heavy function in parallel using multiprocessing pool.map

time = 5.69208908081

integers: [30190929843 47298420295 28684640889 ..., 42092960003 91328802780 6992124617]

largest prime factors: [10063643281 42829 250979 ..., 14717 1522146713 739]

Perform heavy function in parallel using alternative Process and queue

........................................time = 5.72581887245

integers: [30190929843 47298420295 28684640889 ..., 42092960003 91328802780 6992124617]

largest prime factors: [10063643281 42829 250979 ..., 14717 1522146713 739]

Perform heavy function in serial mode

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . time = 11.6820590496

integers: [30190929843 47298420295 28684640889 ..., 42092960003 91328802780 6992124617]

largest prime factors: [10063643281 42829 250979 ..., 14717 1522146713 739]


TODO:lots of other parellisation methods in multiprocessing


Code references:

1. http://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html

2. http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/

3. http://www.stealthcopter.com/blog/2009/11/python-factors-of-a-number/