Matlab BoW_SVM_tutorial
This tutorial is intended to be a quick & simple introduction to the popular BoW-SVM 1-vs-all pipeline in action recognition.
The purpose is to illustrate and convey the main ideas practically and not to show state-of-the-art implementation details.
Three actions are considered: We want to decide whether an action is: foo1, foo2 or foo3.
NOTE: Features are generated randomly and bear no relation to action video sequences!
It is however straight-forward to replace the features generated in this tutorial with those extracted from images/videos.
Instructions for usage:
1a. This tutorial should run out-of-the-box for linux 64bit users since libsvm mex files are provided.
1b. Otherwise download LIBSVM from: and place files in MATLAB path.
2. run bow_svm_tutorial.m
Code References:
1. CVML 2010 (Grenoble) tutorial: Classification of human actions in video.
2. Q.V. Le, W.Y. Zou, S.Y. Yeung, A.Y. Ng. Learning hierarchical spatio-temporal features for action recognition with independent subspace analysis.
Software available at
3. Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin, LIBSVM : a library for support vector machines. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology,
2:27:1--27:27, 2011. Software available at
4. Synthetic Pinwheel Data (Matlab). Software available at