Resize Window Tool
A full configurable small tool that allow to resize a window. From a shortcut key, will popup a menu to choose how to resize the window.
Each entry of the popup menu is configurable.
Just unzip the file in a folder, for example D:\Tools\ResizeWindow. Avoid C:\Program Files, as it will ask to run as Administrator to being able to save the settings in the json file.
Pressing the default shortcut CTRL-Numpad 0, will bring the popup menu at the position of the window that has the focus, that you want to resize. You can then click the setting you want to apply or press key 1 to 9 or Numpad 0 to 9 . For the window to have the focus, usually you just need to select it by clicking it.
Pressing the Gear icon will bring the Settings menu.
The size wanted must be of the format WWWxHHH, with WWW is the width in pixels, HHH the height in pixels. If a value is 0 mean it will not changed when resizing.
Resize modes:
Equal: it will resize the exact size entered
Max: it will resize only if superior to the size entered
Full Window: the full window including the borders will be resized.
Client Area: the window will be resized so the client area will be at the wanted size.
If enabled there's an icon in the Notification Area. When right clicking the icon it will bring a context menu where you can choose to Exit the app or bring the settings menu.