January meeting at New England Emporium.
Post date: Feb 8, 2014 9:25:43 PM
We made an effort to inform more people about our club. It has been going strong, but it is always good to get new blood. The result? 5 new people joined in, and at least two others who were planning to come could not make it. but will come in February. We had a nice turnout at a good new venue. The New England Emporium in Middletown was a gracious host to our motley crew.
I tried to take notes. and we had at least 12 different homebrews, and a handful of commercial one in addition. % were IPAs, with some Belgians, ESB, Steam beer, Oktoberfest and a harvest ale, brewed with home grown hops. I am certain I am missing a few as well. We discussed organizing the club a bit more, including a monthly style tasting, off flavor judging course, an upcoming homebrew competition at Cask Republic and more for this year.
2014 looks to be an exciting time for the club. If you live in central Connecticut and are not part of the club, you are missing out!