Frequently asked questions

What health tests are done for Lagotto breeding dogs?

Lagotto are DNA tested for breed specific disease such as: Juvenile Epilepsy - JE, Lysosomal Storage disease LSD (sometimes called Lagotto Storage disease), Hyperuricosuria - HUU (urinary calculi), Furnishings - proper coat (Lagotto can carry a straight coat gene.)

  We also do a broad test for other diseases that are carried by many breeds.  

They are x-rayed to assess their hips and elbows for dysplasia.  Their patellas (knee caps) are physically examined to make sure they don't pop out of line. 

Their eyes are examined by an ophthalmologist on an annual basis.

What is a CHIC number?

A CHIC number (Canine Health Information Centre) is a number issued by OFA (Orthopedic Foundation of Animals) when a breeder pays to submit all their health testing data to this company.  The CHIC number tells you that the individual dog has had all the health tests done that are required or recommended by their breed club.  They don't have to be passing tests.  I have not decided to do this yet, as I am not sure I want one company to control all my dogs' information.  I have attached a link to the online health testing data for each dog where it is available.