
Center of Micro-Tribology and Interface Engineering

Best Paper Award, 2020 International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology , 2020年國際磨潤科技研討會最佳論文獎- Investigation of Tribological Properties of Protic Ionic Liquids Having Long Chain Carboxylic Acid Anion)-2020/11/6-8

Best Industry-Academic Application Award(恭賀 榮獲余佳峻、劉瑋倫、蔡松林、林金龍、張可紳等同學 榮獲 2019年第四屆全國磨潤科技實務競賽最佳產業應用獎-光學監控潤滑油磨屑之線上檢測方法) — 2019/10/26

歡迎光臨 微磨潤與界面工程中心

Welcome to Center of Micro-Tribology and Interface Engineering (MTIE)