Michihito Ando (安藤道人)


Department of Economics, Rikkyo University 

(立教大学経済学部 教授)

Contact Information:

3-34-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro,Toshima-ku, Tokyo Japan 171-8501

(171-8501 東京都豊島区西池袋3-34-1)

Email: michihito.ando<at>rikkyo.ac.jp, andomichihito<at>gmail.com

I am a  Professor of Economics at Rikkyo University. 

My primary research focuses on public economics, social welfare policies, and applied econometrics. I am keenly interested in the evolution and formation of social welfare and local public finance systems in modern and contemporary Japan, and their impact on people's lives and societal structures. 

To explore these research themes, I utilize quantitative analyses based on individual, municipal, regional, and national-level data. For topics not sufficiently addressed through quantitative methods, I also examine qualitative data, as well as administrative and historical documents. 

Specifically, I investigate the impact of social welfare policies—including healthcare, long-term care, childcare, and public assistance—and intergovernmental grant systems on their intended recipients.





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News (お知らせ)

2024.4- 『経済セミナー』(日本評論社)の2024年4・5月号から、「社会保障のこれまでとこれから 福祉国家と実証経済学の視点 」という連載を始めました。[Link]

2024.6 [Published] 「医療費自己負担増は高齢者の生活水準にどのような影響を与えるか――先行研究からの示唆と今後の課題――」『生活経済政策』, No.329, 2024 (古市将人との共著) が刊行されました[Paper] [Link]

2023.10 [Preprint] New working paper: Discontinuous or Kinked Response? Dynamics of Unemployment Insurance and Public Assistance under the COVID-19 Crisis (with Masato Furuichi and Hayato Kanayama) [SSRN] [SocArxiv] [ResearchGate]

2023.10 [Published] 「地方分与税制度導入以前の都市財政」,『自治総研』, 49(541), 1-24. (宮﨑雅人古市将人倉地真太郎との共著)が刊行されました [Link] 

2023.9 週刊東洋経済および東洋経済Onlineに「母親が仕事を断念、保育・家庭・職場の「母の壁」 女性のキャリア志向、「静かな革命」の時代」が掲載されました。[東洋経済Online] [週刊東洋経済]

2023.6 [Published] 書籍『母の壁 子育てを追いつめる重荷の正体』(前田正子との共著)が6月末に岩波書店から刊行されました。[岩波書店] [Amazon

2023.5 [Forthcoming] 書籍『母の壁 子育てを追いつめる重荷の正体』(前田正子との共著)が6月末に岩波書店から刊行予定です。[岩波書店] [Amazon]

2023.1 [Published]雇用保険と生活保護の狭間の所得保障ニーズへの政策的対応:コロナ禍の住居確保給付金・特例貸付と三層のセーフティネット」  (古市将人、大西連との共著)が『社会保障研究』に刊行されました。 [Link

2022.10 [Forthcoming] 「雇用保険と生活保護の狭間の所得保障ニーズへの政策的対応:コロナ禍の住居確保給付金・特例貸付と三層のセーフティネット」  (古市将人、大西連との共著)が『社会保障研究』に刊行予定です。 [ResearchGate

2022.9 [Preprint] New working paper: Effects of Universal Early Childhood Education on Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes (with Hiroaki Mori and Shintaro Yamaguchi)  [IZA] [CreAM] [CREPE][SocArxiv] [SSRN] [ResearchGate

2022.3 [Published] "The association of COVID-19 employment shocks with suicide and safety net use: An early-stage investigation" (with Masato Furuichi) is accepted by PLOS ONE. [Link]  [プレスリリース]

2022.2 [Accepted] "The association of COVID-19 employment shocks with suicide and safety net use: An early-stage investigation" (with Masato Furuichi) is accepted by PLOS ONE.  *This paper has previously been circulated under the titles ``The impact of COVID-19 employment shocks on suicide and safety net use: An early-stage investigation" and ``The impact of COVID-19 employment shocks on suicide and poverty alleviation programs: An early-stage investigation".  [ResearchGate] [SSRN]

2021.11 [Preprint] Revised working paper: The impact of COVID-19 employment shocks on suicide and safety net use: An early-stage investigation [medRxiv] [ResearchGate] [SSRN]

2021.8 [Published] 「保育園・家事育児分担・ワークライフバランスをめぐる⺟親の苦悩:保育所⼊所申請世帯調査の⾃由記述から」立教経済学研究』Vol.75, No.1, pp.113-151 (前田正子との共著)[Link] [ResearchGate] [アンケート票]

2021.6 [Published] "Does Universal Long-term Care Insurance Boost Female Labor Force Participation? Macro-level Evidence" (with Masato Furuichi and Yoshihiro Kaneko) is published at IZA Journal of Labor Policy. [Link]

2021.6 [Published]「新型コロナ危機への財政的対応:2020年前半期の記録」『社会科学研究』, Vol.72, No.1, 2021(古川知志雄、中田大悟、角谷和彦との共著)が刊行されました。[Link] [GitHub]

2021.4 [Preprint] Revised working paper: The impact of COVID-19 employment shocks on suicide and safety net use: An early-stage investigation [medRxiv] [ResearchGate] [SSRN]

2021.4 [Published] 「「居住の貧困」の所得勾配――所得低下に伴う住環境の剝奪とその多様性」(浦川邦夫との共著)(『日本の居住保障:定量分析と国際比較から考える』第三章)が刊行されました。[出版社] [Amazon]

2021.2 [Preprint]「新型コロナ危機への財政的対応:2020年前半期の記録」(古川知志雄、中田大悟、角谷和彦との共著)が独立行政法人経済産業研究所(RIETI)のディスカッションペーパーとして公開されました。[Link]

2021.1 [Published] 「居住環境・近隣環境が低所得層に与える影響――"Moving to Opportunity"実験からの示唆――」が『立教経済学研究』に刊行されました。[Link]

2021.1 [Accepted] "Does Universal Long-term Care Insurance Boost Female Labor Force Participation? Macro-level Evidence" (with Masato Furuichi and Yoshihiro Kaneko) is accepted at IZA Journal of Labor Policy. [WP] 

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