Research Grants and Awards

2018-2019: Birmingham-Illinois Partnership for Discovery, Engagement and Education (£5,000; joint with Benjamin Marx)

2017-2018: Institute for Global Innovation, University of Birmingham, Experiments on fighting gender inequality (£9,936; PI)

2015-2017: Birmingham-Illinois Partnership for Discovery, Engagement and Education (£21,000; joint with Benjamin Marx)

2014-2017: Birmingham Business School Research and Innovation Fund  (various projects)

2013-2015: British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant for “The Effects of Emotions on Human Cooperation and Institution Choice in Social Dilemma Games” (£10,000; co-applicant with Brit Grosskopf)

2012: Best early career researcher, Business School, University of Birmingham

2012: ESRC Festival of Social Sciences, Co-organisation of event titled “Emotions and Charitable Giving” (£360; co-applicant with Brit Grosskopf)

2010-2011: British Academy Small Research Grant for “Happiness and Morality in Strategic Interaction Games” (£6,000; PI, joint with Nattavudh Powdthavee)

2009 – 2010: Research grant for “Experiments on Correlated Equilibrium”, Super Pump Priming Fund, University of York (£2500; co-applicant with John Bone and Indrajit Ray)

2009 – 2010: Research grant for “Selecting Public Good Institutions”, Super Pump Priming Funding, University of York, (£4,924; PI, joint with Julian Jamison)

2009 – 2010: Research grant for “Happiness and Morality in Strategic Interaction Games”, Super Pump Priming Funding, University of York (£3,200; PI, joint with Nattavudh Powdthavee)