Thorium Dispersion and Dosimetry Code

Michael Momeni, PhD

Thorium Dispersion and Dosimetry Computer Code (TDAD)

Prepared by M&A

TDAD, version X, is a comprehensive computer program to provide estimates of potential radiation exposure to individuals and to the general population in the vicinity of a thorium processing facility or 11e.(2) disposal facility. The TDAD Code incorporates the radiation dose from the airborne release of radioactive materials from uranium milling and processing facilities. It includes dosimetry of inhalation, ingestion and external exposures. Internal dosimetry is based on ICRP recommendations and procedures.

M&A used the TDAD computer code for calculation of doses incorporated into the preparation of the Envirocare of Utah, license application for disposal of 11e.(2) materials at Clive, Utah. An updated version of TDAD was later used for risk assessment incorporated in the application for disposal of 11e.(2) materials at Shootaring Canyon, Utah