
The purpose of this course is to familiarize you with PBL literature and help you construct engaging problem-based learning scenarios based on real life for your students. It will also give you the opportunity to model this process for students.

I. Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to accomplish the following:

  • Craft real life problem scenarios for use in K-12 classrooms.
  • Design a probem-based learning lesson

II. Course Parts

The course content is divided into several parts with a duration of 2 days each:

Part 1: Introducing Problem-Based Learning

Part 2: Deepening PBL Engagement with Technology

Part 3: Information Literacy

Part 4: Mapping Out the Possibilities

Part 5: Assessing for Learning

Part 6: Constructing Your PBL Unit Plan

III. Course Procedures

The length of this course is approximately 12 days, although participants may have the weekends to complete and submit Academy activities. Collaborative participation is key to your success in this course. Participants will be expected to form groups and work together in development of their particular PBL scenario and lesson plan.

IV. Grading

The grades awarded in this course are based on the following percentages:

40% Discussion Participation

50% Assignments

10% Survey/Quiz Participation

Assessment Rubrics for the Discussion Forums and Assignments can be found under the Course Information section of the course.

V. Course Facilitator Contact Information

Although the course facilitator will change from time to time, you can share questions and concerns by contacting Instructional Technology at 210-649-2343.

VI. Pre-Requisites

To undertake this course you should have previous experience:

  • Electronic Graphic organizers (e.g. Inspiration, Cmap Tools,
  • MS Word or similar word processing software

VII. Statement Regarding Academic Honesty

East Central ISD's Instructional Technology & Learning Services Office encourages academic honesty in all course work. As a student, it is expected that you will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on the work done in these courses. Violation of this expectation will result in a denial of credit for the course.

VIII. Statements for Academic Accommodation for Disabled Students

If you for any condition, such as physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for your to carry out the work as I have outlined or will require academic accommodations, please notify Instructional Technology Office.