Module 4 - Information Problem-Solving

Once students start down the solution-development process, they need to know how to actually do the research. Super 3, and or Big 6, are consistent, predictable processes that you can use with your students.

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Web Sites


  1. Big6/Super 3 Matrix
  2. Big6 Assignment Organizer
  3. Big6 Data Chart
  4. KWHL (MS Word | PDF)
  5. PBL Problem Log Sheets

Problem-based Learning Example of Big6 Organizer

Assignment 4.1 - Reflecting on Big6/Super3 Matrix

There are various information problem-solving approaches available. The Big6 for middle school students and above, as well as the Super 3 for K-5 learners, is one such approach.

Fill out one section of theBig6/Super 3 Matrix document (Plan, Do or Review) for your problem, then share your reflections on that experience from a student perspective as a forum post.