
Instructions for Authors

If sufficient material is received in time, Mesolithic Miscellany will endeavour to publish two issues per calendar year. We are primarily interested in research articles, brief summaries of fieldwork projects, notes on new radiocarbon dates, conference and book reviews, PhD and research projects as well as photo essays.

Please send research articles, brief summaries of fieldwork projects and notes on new radiocarbon dates for Mesolithic Miscellany to Chris Meiklejohn ( with a copy to

Please send conference and book reviews, PhD and research projects as well as photo essays for publication in either Mesolithic Miscellany or Mesolithic Miscellany Monthly to Please indicate the publication in your email.

Document format

Please submit as .doc or .docx files with as little formatting as possible (though do indicate the titles and subheadings). Either embed figures or send them separately.

In text citations should be in brackets as follows: for a single author (name, date); for two authors (name & name, date); for three or more authors (first author et al., date).


Journal (note, include issue number if applicable and/or article number if page numbers are absent)

Fernández-Crespo, T., le Roux, P.J., Ordoño, J., Ditchfield, P.W. & Schulting, R.J. (2020) The life-history of a late Mesolithic woman in Iberia: A sequential multi-isotope approach. Quaternary International 566/567, 233-244.

Kayser O. & Bernier G. (1988) Nouveaux objets décorés du Mésolithique armoricain. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 85(2), 45-47.

Bronk Ramsey, C., Higham, T.F.G., Owen, D.C., Pike, A.W.G. & Hedges, R.E.M. (2002) Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: archaeometry datelist 31. Archaeometry 44(3) Supplement 1, 1-149.


Legrand-Pineau, A. & Sidera, I. (2007) Methods, Means, and Results when Studying European Bone Industries. In C. Gates St-Pierre & R.B. Walker (eds.) Bones as Tools: Current Methods and Interpretations in Worked Bone Studies. British Archaeological Reports International Series 1622. Archaeopress, Oxford, 67-75.

Sørensen, M., Lübke, H. & Groß, D. (2018) The Early Mesolithic in Southern Scandinavia and Northern Germany. In N. Milner, C. Conneller & B. Taylor (eds.) Star Carr Volume 1: A Persistent Place in a Changing World. White Rose University Press, York, 305-329.


Dupont C. (2006) La malacofaune de sites mésolithiques et néolithiques de la façade atlantique de la France: Contribution à l’économie et à l’identité culturelle des groupes concernés. British Archaeological Reports International Series 1571. Archaeopress, Oxford.

Lillie, M.C. & Potekhina, I.D. (2020) Prehistoric Ukraine: From the First Hunters to the First Farmers. Oxbow, Oxford.

Dissertation or thesis

Abrunhosa, A. (2012) As escavações arqueológicas nos concheiros mesolíticos de Muge: contributo para o estudo da historiografia das investigações da década de 1930. Master’s Dissertation, University of Porto.


Please send images as .tiff or .jpeg files. Photos should be at least 300 dpi. Line drawings should be at least 600 dpi.

Postgraduate Research Projects

Please send approximately 2 pages of text and a figure if possible (there should be no more than 15 references). Please note the format from previous issues and submit the year in which you are studying, your supervisors, and your institution.


To assess the change of consumption and culinary practices at the transition to agriculture: a multi-disciplinary approach from a Danish kitchen midden

Harry K. Robson, 3rd year PhD. Supervisors: Oliver Craig & Nicky Milner.

BioArch, Department of Archaeology, University of York,

or if you have finished, include the details of when:


Routes of technology: pottery production and mobility during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Scheldt river valley (Belgium)

Dimitri Teetaert, completed PhD. Supervisor: Philippe Crombé

Department of Archaeology, Ghent University,

PhD defended on November 4, 2020. Members of the PhD jury: Alexandre Livingstone Smith (Royal Museum for Central Africa), Louise Gomart (CNRS), Daan Raemaekers (Groningen University) and Wim De Clercq (Ghent University).

Published articles

Please email a copy of published articles as well as the full bibliographic details to


Conneller, C., Milner, N., Taylor, B. & Taylor, M. (2012) Substantial settlement in the European Early Mesolithic: new research at Star Carr. Antiquity 86(334), 1004-1020.

Published books and reviews

If you have details of a book that has been published you can either arrange for the publisher to send a copy to the editor, or you can write a review yourself. In either case, please make sure the following is sent to Title, author(s), date, publisher, place of publication, ISBN, no. of pages, price, and how to obtain a copy.


The Drowning Land

David M. Donachie (2021) Caab Publishing Ltd., Chichester. ISBN: 978-1913781064, 272p, Available from: