International Conferences on the Mesolithic in Europe 

This event, dedicated to the research of the European Mesolithic, was first held in Warsaw in 1973 and has since attracted a continuously growing number of participants. Since 1985, international conferences on the Mesolithic in Europe have been held every five years. Information concerning these conferences and the published proceedings are provided below.

Due to the Covid pandemic, the 10th Conference was undertaken remotely in September 2020. The 11th Conference will be held in Ferrara, Italy between the 15th and 19th of September 2025.

Distribution map of the Mesolithic Conferences in Europe (credit: Perrin).

Conferences and published proceedings

Proceedings: Open Archaeology, 8 and Open Archaeology, 9

Proceedings: Borić, D., Antonović, D. and Mihailović, B. (2021) Foraging Assemblages. Belgrade and New York: Serbian Archaeological Society and The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University

Proceedings: forthcoming

Proceedings: McCartan, S., Schulting, R., Warren, G. and Woodman, P. (2009) Mesolithic Horizons. Papers presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Belfast 2005. Oxford:  Oxbow Books Ltd.

Proceedings: Larsson, L., Kindgren, H., Knutson, K., Loeffler, D. and Åkerlund, A. (2003) Mesolithic on the Move: Papers presented at the sixth international conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Stockholm 2000. Oxford: Oxbow Books Ltd.

Proceedings: Thévenin, A. (1999) L'Europe des derniers chasseurs: Épipaléolithique et Mésolithique. Peuplement et paléoenvironnement de l'Épipaléolithique et du Mésolithique. Actes du 5e colloque international UISPP, Commission XII. Grenoble, 18-23 septembre 1995. Paris: Éditions du CTHS.

Proceedings: Vermeersch, P. M. and Van Peer, P. (1990) Contributions to the Mesolithic in Europe. Papers Presented at the Fourth International Symposium, The Mesolithic in Europe, Leuven 1990. Leuven: Studia Praehistorica Belgica 5.

Proceedings: Bonsall, C. (1989) The Mesolithic in Europe. Papers Presented at the Third International Symposium, Edinburgh, 1985. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd.

Proceedings: Gramsch, B. (1981) Mesolithikum in Europa: 2. internationales Symposium, Potsdam, 3. bis 8. April 1978. Berlin: Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Potsdam 14/15.

Proceedings: Kozłowski, S. K. (1973) The Mesolithic in Europe. Papers read at the International Archaeological Symposium on the Mesolithic in Europe. Warsaw, May 7-12, 1973. Warsaw: Warsaw University Press.