Specific for elementary

Teacher's College Reading Writing Project list of mentor text for various units K-6: an invaluable resource even if you don't teach the Units of Study:


The blog, A Year of Reading, suggests mentor text and text sets. This blog, for instance, shows students how to use subtitles and here's a link to TextSets on Instagram. You might also want to check out Franki Sibberson's website.

I'm the Teacher has quite a few mentor texts.

Kate Messner's announcement on Teachers Write Summer 2019 Mentor Text: Along with explaining what Teachers Write is about, she includes several books she uses as mentors.

For the love of mentor texts: Jennifer Sniadecki's very practical and specific suggestions

Writing Fix has a great list of books.

Mentor Text Central

Mrs. Wills Kindergarten blog: Using mentor texts in kindergarten

From Mentor Texts to Mentors in First Grade – Choice Literacy.pdf

From Mentor Texts to Mentors

Katie DiCesare shares how she uses mentor text with her first graders.

Launching Writing Workshop_ Mentor Texts – Choice Literacy.pdf

Launching the Writing Workshop with Mentors

See what this looks like in a second grade classroom.