
Tara Westover's essay on the American Dream uses her personal story to build an argument and then she piles on supporting facts. In this essay, students will find craft they can imitate -- craft from how she organized her essay to beautiful and effective repetition. Students can also see how a writer might craft the claim, weave in a variety of evidence, shape their reasoning, and write a call to action.

New York Times' Learning Network has provided a collection of op-eds for argument and winners of the student editorial contests. Here are the winners of the 8th annual editorial contest and the runners-up. Great to show your students what other students have written.

Leonard Pitts on the death of Sidney Poitier (and, oh, yes, an obituary can be an argument. Do you agree?)

NCTE has compiled a list of mentor text for writing argument. The list contains recommendations for all grades.

Head over here for good mentors for writing argument.

This padlet contains mentors along with a few ideas on teaching argument. So does this one (Argument101) and this one too (Mentors4Argument).

Want a fun piece for argument? One with an unusual structure and one that might be great for teaching counterargument?

Are there sports girls shouldn't play? Here's one mom's argument.

David Brooks writes provocative commentary. Like other op eds that he writes, this one seems to focus on baseball but says so much more.

Bottled water: Banning is silly but... and here's another article. But is it an argument or is it informative?

From Three Teachers Talk: a Pinterest site with ideas for argument (or persuasion)

Kylene Letter.docx

Kylene Beer's letter to the US Department of Education