
How a Teenager Found Her Writing Voice - The New York Times.pdf

This is a student essay from the New York Times Learning Network. It's filled with voice and craft so it has the potential of nurturing student writers.

If you want to see more student writing that would serve well as mentor text, go to the New York Times Learning Network.


This beautiful essay is about hummingbirds. Check out how Brian Doyle conveys information. Could students do this too?

As we think about the essay, we would be wise to read Katherine Bomer's introduction to The Journey is Everything.

Ideas for the college essay

Two minute essays

Katherine Bomer pushes our current understanding of essays. Take a look at some essays she's collected:

Guest Essays

Country Cats


Essays to study

Video Essays

Personal Essay

Check out this fun essay from Amy Tan. It's filled with craft from organization to the use of detail and figurative language. Amy Tan also has written a This I Believe essay.

In this essay, the writer explains how she grew up because of Harry Potter.

And go to this page on this very google site.

The following sites contain links to essays that students might study and emulate:



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From Business Insider: a high school senior who make it into an ivy league university because of her essay


In English classes, students are often asked to write a literary analysis. What if the assignment were shifted a bit and they had to write movie or book reviews? Consider, for example, that student had studied Claudia Puig's work, the movie reviewer for USA Today. Here's her review for the documentary, Bully: Harrowing Story of Teen Cruelty

Using the framework of HOC, MOC, and LOC (see below), students could study those higher order concerns of organization, focus, and ideas. As they think about the middle order concerns of style and word choice, they might think about her use of questions and verb choice. A discussion of the lower order concerns could guide students into understanding how they might use parenthesis when they write.

Check out this review of Unbreakable Kimmy. Consider the thinking that students need to do when they analyze literature. What's different/the same in this review?

Book Reviews

NPR's Book Reviews, which includes PG 13: Risky Reads: Transformative Tales for Teens