
Lines quoted from I Can Fly My Kite to the Moon:

"Of course you're a mind reader. What do you think your antennae are for?"

-- Commander Helmer of the Star Ship Anterres

"Why can't I have an ordinary son?"

--Raymond Bayliss

"Because you have an extraordinary one."

--Tessa Bayliss

"Since you're so obviously one of us, you couldn't possibly be one of them."

--Commander Helmer

"Me graduate from the Academy of Science with honours? But I flunked

arithmetic. And I'm talking Grade Seven arithmetic."

-- Freddie Bayliss

"That's just to help you adjust. If you saw what we really looked like, you would not be so well adjusted."

--Lieutenant Carlo of the Star Ship Anterres

"I'm expecting Mark to call. If he does, I'm not in."

--Tessa Bayliss