A Musical Flight of Fancy
A Musical Flight of Fancy
Book, Music and Lyrics by Mel Atkey
Book, Music and Lyrics by Mel Atkey
"All in all, it is a fascinating project... The premise is superb and great material for a musical... the lyrics are beautiful... I would say it showed enormous promise."
"All in all, it is a fascinating project... The premise is superb and great material for a musical... the lyrics are beautiful... I would say it showed enormous promise."
- Shel Piercy, Infinity Filmed Entertainment, Vancouver
The story concerns ten year old Freddie Baylis, who has an IQ of 160. He is bored with school, and can't relate to his schoolmates. His only companion is his imaginary friend, Comander Helmer of the star ship Anterres. Freddie is constantly being tormented by the other boys. Even the school psychologists can't fathom him. His father, Raymond, still grief stricken by the recent death of his wife, is coming apart at the seams. Only Freddie's teenage sister Tessa holds the key to his redemtion. It is a show about healing, and about the poetic rising above the prosaic.
Production requirements:
Production requirements:
Cast of fifteen +