Breaking Into Song

Breaking into Song is a collection of my articles, essays and interviews on musical theatre, 1980-2015. It includes a very early interview with Stephen Schwartz while he was working on the film version of The Magic Show in 1980. Also included is a 1982 interview with the late Reid Shelton, the original Daddy Warbucks in Annie in which he discusses the process that show went through from its initial tryout at Goodspeed Musicals to its opening on Broadway, and my own account of doing A Little Princess in New York with the late director Bob Sickinger, plus more.Table of Contents

Preface: Un-cool (and Proudly So)

Stephen Schwartz: Extraordinary

To Dance, Perhaps to Dream

The Banff Centre: Music Theatre’s Leading Edge

Minding the Store: Reid Shelton, Annie’s Original Daddy Warbucks

“Mel, You’re Panicking!” – In New York with Bob Sickinger

Do Musicals Need Great Songs?

The Sweetness and the Sorrow – Naturalism in A Chorus Line

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