Working Party

Most people are unaware that the walking group was formed as an offshoot of the working party which was formed by the late Mick Whittingham. The date is uncertain, but certainly prior to 1979 when the walking group was formed. Mick used to go out with friends doing footpath maintenance for most of the councils in the area for which we received donations to help finance the group. After Mick stood down from the chairmanship and moved away from the area Derek Bainbridge and other members carried on with the working party, however records show that even in those days it was becoming difficult to get payments from some councils.

The group was run from 1997- 2022 by Jim Pearson.   The group used to do footpath maintenance for a number of councils using their own vehicles and tools but in those days footpaths took a low priority regarding council funds, payments were very hit and miss and didn't improve as   councils became more strapped for funds.

Since the formation of Medway Council, things have improved. Healthy living has become very popular with government and has helped give footpaths and walking a much higher priority. The group now does maintenance only in the Medway council area in close co-operation with the Public Rights of Way Officers and Medway Council. They supply vehicle, fuel, tools, wood etc. storage and   insurance.

The Medway area covers roughly from Higham in the east to Upchurch in the west and from Grain in the north to Halling in the south.  We work once, sometimes twice a week in this area, our jobs include repairing and replacing broken fences, stiles, steps and footbridges, way marking posts and signage, strimming undergrowth and cutting overgrowth also removing fallen trees and other tasks.

The group in recognition of the work they have done have won or been nominated for several awards in the past.The most recent being reaching the finals for the Pride of Medway awards for which we were each awarded a clock.

The group at present consists of Chris Morris (leader) Andy Boorman and Chris Henderson .