Becoming a Member

Basic Fitness Requirements

You should be able to walk between 5 and 7 miles at an average of 3 mph, be able to climb stiles and in wet weather be prepared to get muddy. Most walks are between 2 and 2.5 hours and we normally have a short break halfway.

Basic Equipment

The most important equipment is a good pair of comfortable walking boots or shoes. Many members have walking shirts, trousers, waterproof jackets etc. Some members use walking poles, particularly when the ground is wet or we are on a steep climb It is recommended that you carry water and a snack.

Liability Risk

The Group has Public Liability insurance for a £5 million pounds Limit of Liability. All walkers and members walk at their own risk, so you may wish to investigate Personal Accident Insurance.

Membership Terms and Conditions and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Because the MTFG hold information about their members, these records must be held securely and be GDPR compliant.

MTFG Terms & Conditions - GDPR

Application Form

Please print the application form, complete and post to the address on the form.