Monsters A-E

    • Black Mist
    • Borer Worms (Small, Large, Huge)
    • Bugs - Boss, Worker, Soldier, Marauder
    • CONTROL Agents
    • Coral - Tree, Brain, Battery, Shocker, Polyp, Wolf
    • Corporate Agent (Typical)
    • Crystal Spears, Crabs, Balls, Predators, Monoliths
    • Devil Rays

Black Mist (WC)

Black Mist uses the dark places of the lunar terrain to hide within and strike at unsuspecting foes. It is a cloud form of nanite life. It drains life energy from the victim (FAT) by contact and is able to penetrate most armours to do so. It has difficulty with a vacc suit however, or any equivalent air tight suit. Given time (1d4+2 rds) they can penetrate an air tight environment that remains stationary (a vehicle for example).

A melee attack by Black Mist that is successful will inflict a numbing cold onto the victim that will drop their defences (Dodge and Parry) by -2 for the next attack by the Mist. A raise on an attack will drain 1pt of FAT from the victim as well, which it can store. If the victim is wearing an airtight suit the Mist will require an extra level of success on top of the above, so a straight success will do nothing.

Black Mists may also fire an energy beam at a single target doing 3d6+2 damage, but this will expend 1FAT each time.

Black Mists often ambush their victims using the natural darkness of the lunar environment. The first attack by a Mist will automatically be with The Drop unless the victim sees it coming. They will need to make a Notice roll at -2 to do this.

When a Black Mist has absorbed an extra 3pts of FAT it will split into two with exactly the same values, but no stored FAT.

Black Mists do not have a solid form and are unaffected by projectile weapons. Energy weapons will affect them normally. Against melee weapons they gain +4 toughness. They gain a bonus +2 to Parry due to their form. Unless killed by an area effect they will dissipate and reform some 4d6 hours later.

They are not hindered by bright lights in any way, they just use the darkness to advantage. They have no heat signature.

Brain in a Bottle

See Radiants

Borer Worms




Borer worms are an aline silicon based life form, being smaller but more aggressive than Silk Worms, and not generating silk or sealing their tunnels. They can come in herds however, sometimes upto 20 creatures at once. This has recently become an issue as large herds will attack smaller settlements. Xeno-biologists have been suggesting that even larger herds may form with time, and they will become a dangerous vermin issue.

Borer worms have a very tough exoskin giving them +2 Toughness.

They have a single attack, a bite doing 1d8+ST+Size. Large ones can use their ST to knock opponents down.

They will have the Burrow power and 10pp for a single encounter.


Boss (WC)




Bugs come from the underworld where they have been breed by Morlocks. They may be an escaped group or they may be in service to a morlock when encountered. They often use worm tunnels as ready made highways. Bugs are always lead by a Boss, without a Boss they are at -2 to all their actions (with the exception of Marauders). Bugs require air to survive, but can go without for up to their VGx5 minutes. If they are on migration the workers will become air bags, sucking in a huge amount of air and expanding their bodies like a balloon. A worker can generally carry 24 bug hours of air in this fashion, on top of their own needs.

When undertaking longer journeys bugs will establish temporary bases, digging them out and lining them with bug-goo to create a seal. Workers will then populate the area with air and a few workers will convert themselves into air-purifiers.

Bosses will come with 3 Command skills which will apply over a 6 inch radius.

All bugs, except Bosses, will have two claw attacks each (no dual wielding penalties) doing d6+ST+Size damage. Marauders will have the Improved Frenzy edge.

All bugs have hardened external carapaces, giving +2 toughness.

Marauder bugs are specialised soldiers, breed for battle and independent actions. One marauder in each unit will be a Wild Card.


Normal (WC) 60pts

Veteran (WC) 80pts

CONTROL Agents (Men in Black) enforce the law of the Big Three, everywhere. They have more power than an UNCLE agent and are more ruthless. Currently most of their resources are focused on the Martian problem, with some overwatch of the CMx2 situation (they are still looking for whoever is creating them). All CONTROL agents will be wild cards.

CONTROL agents are trained for combat and will usually have 3-4 combat edges.


An area of coral growth is called Quay. Several of these form a Reef. Areas of growth in a coral reef are called Piers (as they tend to expanding in a long line fashion with a new Quay at the end). The Quay is the active centre of a coral colony, and it is here that most of the active components of coral will be found. Areas between Quays will be filled with Tree or Battery Coral (energy collection and storage).

Coral like life form adapted to vacuum. Count as objects for hitting and damage. Most coral is stationary and static, their only form of defence is that they are harmless and rock like, however when threatened the colony may use some of its energy stores to attack back. Polyps are generally not aggressive and are used to expand the territory of the reef. They can be used as aggressive beasts if needed. The main weapon of a Quay however are the wolves, which are enlarged polyps with longer lives and more aggressive natures. Wolves are created with a more flexible organic body and hard points of actual coral. With age their bodies become even more covered with scale like coral until eventually they simply harden and become coral.







Trees: Main coral life form, able to convert sunlight into usable energy. Fern like. Natural hardness: 12

Brain: Control centre of the colony. Not intelligent but able to process information and make survival decisions for the colony. Natural hardness: 10

Battery: Able to store large amounts of energy produced by Trees. Natural hardness: 12. Explodes in large template doing 4d6 eletrical damage if destroyed. A single mature battery will generally have 3d6+3pp available to it.

Shocker: Can fire electrical bolts. Natural hardness: 10. Able to cast Bolts if directed by a Brain, can draw energy from any nearby Battery.

Polyp: A coral life form that is fired from a tree to spread the coral forest, or to attack anything damaging the forest. The Polyp will come to life and act accordingly. It will look like a brain coral but with four small legs, about the size of a large dog. It has a razor edged appendage on top of its body that it can attack with, and will come with sufficient enegy for one Burst attack, medium template centred on itself, electrical damage doing 3d6.

Wolf: The main weapon of a Quay however are the wolves, which are enlarged polyps with longer lives and more aggressive natures. Wolves are created with a more flexible organic body and hard points of actual coral (+2 Tuf initially, but an older wolf might have +3 or +4). With age their bodies become even more covered with scale like coral until eventually they simply harden and become coral.

Corporate Agent


Veteran (WC)







An area of crystals is called a 'Prism', several areas will form a Forest. Certain areas of a forest will be active and growing, these areas are called a 'Matrix'. A Matrix is more likely to have active crystals (defenders and attackers). Old growth crystals become dormant and are called 'Agate' (their function becoming one of energy collection and storage) and consist mostly of monolith types.

Crystal Monoliths

The main form of the Crystals, these are huge hex shaped pillars that erupt out of the ground and grow to about 90 feet in height (width will be ht/4). Crystals move by growing new crystals at the base of existing crystals. This will cost them 5pp.

New crystals will grow 10 feet a round for 3 rounds in a quick burst, then grow about 5 feet per day. Once they reach 30ft they can chose to fall on threats using their mass and splintering to crush or cut them. Treat this as a cone area of effect, doing 3d6 damage. This has the added bonus of extending new growth much faster, new crystals can grow from any hex in the area of effect.

Old growth crystals tend to become dormant, moving into an energy production mode for the colony. Only when they are directly damaged will they awaken to take action. New growth areas, around the perimeter of the forest are likely to be active and still growing. New growth areas are called a Matrix.

Crystals are resistant to energy attacks (gain +2 toughness), but are vulnerable to Salt (Sodium nitrate) which does 2d6+2 damage to them per handful (small packet/grenade).

Crystal forests only perceive danger when actually being attacked (with the exception that Predators may simply attack anything). Even if an area of forest is destroyed, if things quieten down and no further damage is being suffered then the forest will consider the local threat finished. In a localised combat a forest will initially allocate energy resources equal to 30pp to deal with the situation. If this is fully expended and the situation appears to remain in conflict the forest will begin allocating serious amounts of energy and resources.

Devil Rays

A little like mata rays in the oceans of the earth, these large winged creatures are hardened against the vacuum and use gravity fields to hover and propel themselves over the surface. Often they cover themselves in lunar dust and lie in ambush for energy sources.