
Short biography

Originally from the Netherlands, I studied business administration at Tilburg University majoring in finance and information systems followed by a master's in management at Oxford University. In 2009, I commenced my doctoral studies at HEC Paris under the supervision of Corey Phelps and spent, as part of my doctoral training, one semester in Penn State during 2012/2013 on the invitation of Srikanth Paruchuri. My thesis dealt with the complementary effects of inter-organizational collaboration (R&D alliances) and intra-organizational networks (inventor networks) for firm technological innovation. In 2014, I started a post-doc position at the University of Lugano (USI) with Gianluca Carnabuci looking at the role of employee mobility for firm innovation. From 2016 until 2019, I was a member of the Department of Management of Tilburg University's School of Economics and Management. I joined Old Dominion University in 2019 as an assistant professor in the Department of Management continuing my research on earlier topics and teaching courses in the field of strategy.

Contact details

Martin Goossen

Office 2039

Constant Hall

Old Dominion University

5115 Hampton Blvd

Norfolk, VA 23529


T/W: +1 757 785 7457