Youth Programs

IU Chapter

Instagram: @iunaacp


The youth of the NAACP are organized into Units. A unit is defined as a youth council, young adult council, high school chapter, or college chapter. As a member of such a group, the young person has an opportunity to associate and to work with his or her own peers.

The youth council operates as a separate unit from the adult branch of the NAACP. Under the leadership of a Youth Work Committee and an adult Advisor from the Branch, the youth council follows its own agenda, within the guidelines of the National Office.


When the activities of the youth council are planned there will be time to plan for parties, and other recreational activities. The time spent in getting ready for the NAACP Birthday Celebration, which is traditionally held in February on or before the 12th should be interesting and stimulating. Black History Month can take on a whole new aspect when seen through the eyes of a group of enthusiastic and creative young persons.


Education will come into play as both new members and old members are exposed to an Orientation Program. This program is to help members become familiar with the goals, philosophy, methods, accomplishments, and overall program of the NAACP.

It is very important that the members believe in the organization and are convinced of its value to the community. Members who believe in an organization will bring their ideas, their interests, and their friends with them.

Leadership Training

Leadership Training will be addressed through a Leadership Training Workshop. The youth unit shall elect its own officers at an Organizational meeting, after which the workshop will be held. All officers, executive board members, committee chairs, and other members should be present. Emphasis will be placed on how to organize and run a meeting, basic rules in parliamentary procedure, and the roles and responsibilities of officers throughout the year.


Like to go places? The NAACP offers to active youth members an opportunity to go to various cities and states where board meetings, state, regional and national conventions are held. At these conventions, youth are able to attend interesting workshops along with youth from other places and make new friends. The youth generally stay, along with their advisors and chaperons, in a different hotel from the adult branches. Swimming parties, pizza parties, and other forms of entertainment are provided for their pleasure.

College Scholarships

The NAACP offers many types of scholarships, and other ways to obtain a college Education. However, probably the best known and most interesting way is through ACT-SO. ACT-SO is an acronym for the Afro-Academic Cultural Technological and Scientific Olympics. The program stresses the academic efforts of Black high school students and encourages them to strive for exellence in this area by acknowledging and nurturing their achievements.

Under the guidance of committed adult volunteers, and the sponsorship of the Local branch, students compete in 25 different categories. The categories include music dancing, art, writing, sculpture, science, and many other fields. In their chosen category, they complete a project, or in the case of the performing arts, present a performance. Competition is held at the local, state, and regional levels, with the finalists moving on to the NAACPÕs national convention, where over $300,000 in scholarships and other prizes are given away. In 2001 more than 1,000 students from some 400 branches converged on the New Orleans Marriott Hotel to compete. The state of Indiana won six (6) national awards.

The Indiana State Conference awards Ameritech Scholarships in the amount of $6000 each year to majors in all fields, and the Monroe County Branch also offers one scholarship a year. The NAACP Education Department Sponsors The Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship in the amount of $1500 to majors in all fields of study, students must have been a member of the NAACP for at least one year to qualify. The Youth and College Division offers the Roy Wilkins Scholarship to majors in all fields of study, there are 20 scholarships in the amounts of $500-$1000.