The output of a very quickly made Daz Script that produces fake nests in obj format
as you can see there's a few hay strands that float ... so you'll have to fix or conceal this
here is the Daz Script i used
Only use if if you know exactly what's going on here
notably : you have to manually change the file path for the output .obj file
// DAZ Studio version filetype DAZ Script var THETARGETFILEPATH = "i:/snowtrick/mcjHayBlade2c.obj"; function makeBlade( file, xc, zc, off, w, h, thick, ray, azim, altit ) { var xm = xc - 1; var zm = zc - 1; var xstep = 1 / xm; var zstep = 1 / zm; var xoff = off; var ox = Math.cos(azim) * ray; var oz = Math.sin(azim) * ray; var zz = -0.5; for( z = 0; z < zc; z++ ) { xx = -0.5; randomx = Math.random(); for( x = 0; x < xc; x++ ) { var y = roof( x, xm ); var xTaper = strait( z, zm ); var coordX = randomx + ( xTaper * w * xx ); var coordY = ( altit + y * thick ); var coordZ = ( h * zz ); var v = getAzimuted( coordX, coordZ, azim ); file.writeLine( "v " + ( ox + v.x ) + " " + coordY + " " + ( oz + v.z ) ); ++xoff; file.writeLine( "vt " + x/xm + " " + z/zm ); xx += xstep; } zz += zstep; } xoff = off; for( z = 0; z < zm; z++ ) { for( x = 0; x < xm; x++ ) { a = xoff; b = xoff + 1; c = b + xc; d = a + xc; file.writeLine( "f " + a + "/" + a + " " + b + "/" + b + " " + c + "/" + c + " " + d + "/" + d ); ++xoff; } xoff++; } return( c + 1 ); } //============================================================================== // //============================================================================== function getAzimuted( x, y, a ) { var r = Math.sqrt( x * x + y * y ); var na = Math.atan2( y, x ); na -= a; na += Math.PI / 2 var nx = Math.sin( na ) * r; var nz = Math.cos( na ) * r; return( DzVec3( nx, 0, nz ) ); } //============================================================================== // //============================================================================== function roof( x, xm ) { var mid = x / xm; var nx = 2 * Math.abs( mid - 0.5 ); return( 1 - nx ); } //============================================================================== // //============================================================================== function strait( x, xm ) { return( 1 ); } //============================================================================== // m a i n //============================================================================== var file = new DzFile( THETARGETFILEPATH ); file.WriteOnly ); var idx = 1; for( var i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { var ray = Math.random() * 10; var azim = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI; var altit = ray / 5 + Math.random() * 2; //file, xc, zc, off, w, h, thick, ray, azim, altit idx = makeBlade( file, 4, 4, idx, .2, 10, .2, ray, azim, altit ); } file.close();