

 Bring  Multiple objects to the position of one object : the last selected object


Unzip the zip package found at the bottom of this page in your Daz Format Content  Folder

ex: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library

once you refresh your Content tab, the script will be found in /scripts/mCasual


2023-03-03 13:33 - Initial release ( had a bug )

2023-03-03 13:57 - Fixed the bug in  the subDoit() function


Select all the objects you want to move, then your last selection must be the target object. 

Run the script

[Yes Exactly] sends all objects to the position of the target object

[Yes With 10cm Offsets] sends them to the target object, with a Z offset of 10cm between each one.

The Code

//by mCasualJacques 2023-03-03

appName = "mcjSelectedGotoLastSelected";

if( Scene.getNumSelectedNodes() < 2 )



"You must select 2 or more objects,<br>" +

"Then this script will send all the selected objects<br>" +

"to the position of the last selected object"










function doit()


var primName = ( Scene.getPrimarySelection().getLabel() );

var nodes = Scene.getSelectedNodeList();

var n = nodes.length - 1;

var clientNames = "";

for( var i = 0; i < n; i++ )


if( ( i%5 == 0 ) && ( i != 0 ) )


clientNames += "\n";


if( i > 0 )


clientNames += ", ";


clientNames += nodes[i].getLabel();


var iDoit = getChoice( primName, clientNames )

switch( iDoit )


case 0: // yes

subDoit( 0, nodes ); //0cm off


case 1: // yes with offset

subDoit( 10, nodes ); //10cm off


case 2: //no way







function message( str )


MessageBox.information( "Oops", str, "&OK" );





function getChoice( primName, clientNames )


var n = clientNames.length;

var question = (

"According to your selection all selected nodes\n" +

"will jump top the position of the node labeled\n" +

primName + "\n" +

"List of the nodes that will move:\n" +

clientNames.right( 320 )


var answer = MessageBox.question(



"Yes Exactly",

"Yes with 10cm offset",

"No Way"


return( answer )





function subDoit( off, nodes )



var n = nodes.length - 1;

var p = nodes[n].getWSPos();

var iniZ = p.z;

p.z = iniZ + ( i + 1 ) * off;

for( var i = 0; i < n; i++ )


p.z = iniZ + ( i + 1 ) * off;

nodes[i].setWSPos( p );


acceptUndo( appName );
