

A very short Daz Script that sends the currently selected object ( just the 1st one ) to world position 0,0,0


Say you create a sphere with it's origin at the center of the sphere 

BUT the created sphere stands on the ground plane. 

In the parameters tab you can see that its Local Coordinates are 0,0,0, 

so you now have to compute the negative Y-Offset to bring its center to 0,0,0. 

ex: the sphere diameter was 100 meters so you have to move the sphere (manually !!!) down 5000 centimeters ( not 500, not 50000 ). 

But since you installed mcjGoTo000.dsa, 

instead you select the sphere 

and run mcjGoTo000 

and bam it's centered at 0,0,0. 

I even added an Undo, so thoughtful, so thoughtful.

//The Code

//mcjVoyageToTheCenterOfTheWorld by mCasualJacques

appName = "mcjGoto[0,0,0]";

node = Scene.getPrimarySelection();

if( node )



node.setWSPos( DzVec3( 0, 0, 0 ) );

acceptUndo( appName );


Installing it

Download and unzip the zip package mcjGoTo000 in one of your Daz Content Folders

ex: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library

and the script will be found in the Scripts/mcasual folder of "My Library"