7. Post-processing


The output file of mcarats codes is in a unique format. Several tools are provided to process output data files from mcarats codes. The user can easily make a new tool using subroutines in ./src/libmcarats/. If you made a useful tool, you can contribute to the project by providing it.

  • pcouple to do a simple calculation with a couple of mcarats output data files

  • pconvert to convert a mcarats output data file with a simple equation

  • pgrads to visualize a mcarats output data set using GrADS

  • psample to (re)sample data from mcarats output file

  • pstat to calculate spatial statistics of mcarats output data


This is used to do a simple calculation with a couple of mcarats output data files.

usage: pcouple method thresh infile1 infile2 > outfile

  • method:

0 (sum) : in1 + in2

1 (difference) : in1 - in2

2 (product) : in1 * in2

3 (ratio) : in1 / in2

4 (relative diff. 1) : (in1 - in2) / in2

5 (relative diff. 2) : 2*(in1 - in2) / (in1 + in2)

6 (square diff.) : in1*in1 - in2*in2

7 (root square diff.): sqrt(in1*in1 - in2*in2)

8 (diff. square) : (in1 - in2)*(in1 - in2)

9 (root diff.) : sqrt(in1) - sqrt(in2)

  • thresh: threshold of the denominator when method=3-5. If the denominator is less than the threshold, then the output value is reset at a very small value (-1.0E+30).

  • infile1 : Input data file 1.

  • infile2 : Input data file 2.

  • outfile : Output data file.

The output file is in the same format as the input.


This is used to convert a mcarats output data file with a simple equation.

usage: pconvert nx ny method A B < infile > outfile

  • nx : # of x-pixels for output.

  • ny : # of y-pixels for output.

If nx*ny=0, then these are reset as defined in the input file. Otherwise the averaging is operated.

  • method=0 : v = u (does nothing)

1 : v = A + B * u (linear)

2 : v = A * u^B (power-law)

3 : v = exp(A + B*u) (exponential)

4 : v = ln(A + B*u) (logarithmic)

5 : v = A + (1 + B*G)*u (random noises are superimposed)

where G is a normalized Gaussian noise (average: 0; variance:1).

The output file is in the same format as the input, but if nx or ny is smaller than the input ("nx or ny; nxr or nyr; nxc or nyc; nppot or nqpot" defined in infile itself), then the amount of output data is reduced.


To quickly visualize output data from mcarats codes, a tool, pgrads, is provided. This converts mcarats output data file to GrADS format.

usage: pgrads mach q zset infile (outfile) (< zlevels)

  • mach : machine parameter as follows:

=0 : little endian, record length for a real*4 datum = 4 (x86+g77)

=1 : little endian, record len = 1 (Alpha/x86+ifort)

=2 : big endian, record len = 4 (PPC+g77)

=3 : big

endian, record len = 1

For example

little endian: x86, Alpha,...

big endian: PowerPC, Sun,...

record length=4: g77

record length=1: ifort

  • q : determines which data sets are to be output (0:flux&HR, 1:flux, 2:HR, 3:radiance, 4:camera, 5:local flux)

  • zset : method to set z-levels (0: default; 1: read from stdin)

  • infile : input file (MCARaTS output)

  • outfile : output file (GrADS format)

  • zlevels : z-levels when zset=1

If GrADS is installed in your system, you can try the followings (in the "examples/case3" directory):

% ../../bin/pgrads 1 3 0 out_rs0067-f3d

% grads -l


ga-> open out_rs0067-f3d.gd.ctl


ga-> set mproj off

ga-> set gxout shaded

ga-> d rad

ga-> printim rs0067-f3d-t1.png x400 y300

ga-> set t 2

Time values set: 2001:1:0:0 2001:1:0:0

ga-> d rad

ga-> printim rs0067-f3d-t2.png x400 y300

ga-> quit

% ../../bin/pgrads 1 0 0 out_hr0213-f3d

% grads -l


ga-> open out_rs0213-f3d.gd.ctl


ga-> set mproj off

ga-> set gxout shaded

ga-> d fd

ga-> printim hr0213-f3d-t1-fd.png x400 y300

ga-> d f0

ga-> printim hr0213-f3d-t1-f0.png x400 y300

ga-> set z 2

LEV set to 2 2

ga-> d fu

ga-> printim hr0213-f3d-t1-fu.png x400 y300

ga-> set z 1 42

LEV set to 1 42

ga-> set y 30

LAT set to 30 30

ga-> c

ga-> d hr

ga-> printim hr0213-f3d-t1-hr.png x400 y300

ga-> quit

% ../../bin/pgrads 1 4 0 out_ci0067-f3d

% grads -l


ga-> open out_ci0055-f3d.gd.ctl

ga-> set mproj off

ga-> set parea 1 9 0.2 8.2

ga-> set gxout shaded

ga-> set display grey

ga-> set grid off

grid is off

ga-> set t 1

Time values set: 2001:1:0:0 2001:1:0:0

ga-> set clevs 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Number of clevs = 15

ga-> d cam

ga-> printim ci0055-f3d-t1.png x400 y400

ga-> quit


This is used to resample data from a mcarats output data file. This is useful to extract partial data from the file.

usage: psample ixi ixs nx iyi iys ny < infile > outfile

  • ixi, iyi : initial indexes for X and Y

  • ixs, iys : step of X and Y indexes

  • nx, ny : # of X and Y pixels for output

An example is here: at examples/case3/

% ../../bin/psample 2 2 30 2 2 30 < out_rs0067-f3d > sample_rs0067-f3d

In this case, original data for 60x60 pixels are available, and output result from the above is for 30x30 pixels.


This is used to calculate basic statistics of a text data sequence.

usage: pstat N func ithresh (threshold1 threshold2) < infile > outfile

  • N : # of data

  • func : 0, raw data; 1, ln(dat); 2, exp(dat); The conversion is performed before the statistics computation.

  • ithresh

=0 : no threshold,

=1 : dat >= thresh1,

=2 : dat <= thresh1,

=3 : thresh1 <= dat <= thresh2,

=4 : dat <= thresh1 or dat >= thresh2

Output data file reports fraction of data filtered by the threshold(s), minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation, root-mean-square (rms), and skewness. For example,

% bin/pstat 3600 0 0 < examples/case3/out_rs0067-f3d

#frac, min, max, average, stdev, rms, skewness

1.0000 3.3890E-01 6.4152E-01 4.7632E-01 7.4342E-02 4.8209E-01 2.0645E-01

1.0000 2.0148E+00 2.0329E+00 2.0212E+00 2.4843E-03 2.0212E+00 8.3968E-01

1.0000 1.3267E-01 6.6358E-01 3.6322E-01 1.1587E-01 3.8126E-01 -1.3765E-01

1.0000 3.0360E+00 3.1539E+00 3.0686E+00 1.9938E-02 3.0687E+00 1.1165E+00

The output are printed to stdout. Statistics for four data sequences, each of which contains 3600 data, are reported in this example.
