4d. Input to mcarats executable (d): External input file Sca_inpfile...

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External input file Sca_inpfile

This file should contain data of scattering phase functions and can be in a text or binary format.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Binary format is highly recommended for faster data import and flexible random data accessibility. In the future versions, it is likely that only binary format files could be accepted.

Variables read in from this file are described below. Example data files can be found in the "examples" directory.

Numbers of elements should be specified in the namelist file:

Sca_nangi : max # of angles

Sca_npf : # of phase functions

Sca_nskip : number of first data record lines to be skipped.

Sca_anci : the number of ancillary data (definition differs between binary and text formats)


real(R_), save, allocatable :: ang(:,:) !(Sca_nangi, Sca_npf)

Scattering angles in degree for the phase function. Should be >= 0 and <= 180.


real(R_), save, allocatable :: phs(:,:) !(Sca_nangi, Sca_npf)

Phase functions. Relative values are acceptable, because the phase functions are automatically normalized in the code. See also Sca_knai.


integer, save, allocatable :: na(:) !(Sca_npf)

Number of angles for each phase function. Used only when the file is in text format, for which numbers of angles can be different for respective phase functions.

Binary format

Structure and format of the binary data file can be fully described by GrADS control file. An example is examples/les05_0045.sca.ctl:

DSET ^les05_0045.sca



OPTIONS template

TITLE les05_0045.sca

UNDEF 1.0e+37




TDEF 1 LINEAR 00:00Z00JAN0001 1YR


ang 1 99 Angles (deg.)

phs 60 99 Phase function


For quickly look the data content, a small utility tool can be used: For example, at "examples/" directory,

$ ../bin/bin_dump les05_0045.sca.ctl | less

The following Fortran code is used for reading the binary data.


subroutine mcarUtl__binSca_read(iu, nangi, nanci, nphs, ang, phs, nskip, mbswap)


!* Read in phase functions from a binary file *

integer, intent(in) :: iu ! file unit index

integer, intent(in) :: nangi ! # of angles

integer, intent(in) :: nanci ! # of ancillary data

integer, intent(in) :: nphs ! # of phase functions

real(R_), intent(out) :: ang(:) ! angles (degrees)

real(R_), intent(out) :: phs(:,:) ! phase functions

integer, intent(in), optional :: nskip ! # of record lines to be skipped

integer, intent(in), optional :: mbswap ! flag for byte swapping (0=no, 1=yes)

real(R4_) :: wrk(nangi + nanci) !(AUTO)

integer :: iphs, mswap, irec

! Initialize

irec = 1

mswap = 0

if (present(nskip)) irec = nskip + 1

if (present(mbswap) .and. mbswap == 1) mswap = 4

! Read in

call bin_read_o1R4(iu, wrk, irec=irec, mswap=mswap)

ang(1:nangi) = wrk(1:nangi)

do iphs = 1, nphs

irec = irec + 1

call bin_read_o1R4(iu, wrk, irec=irec, mswap=mswap)

phs(1:nangi, iphs) = wrk(1:nangi)

end do

end subroutine mcarUtl__binSca_read

Here, the subroutine arguments correspond to previously-described variables, as follows:

nangi --> Sca_nangi

nphs --> Sca_npf

mbswap --> Wld_mbswap

In the above code, general purpose utility procedures (e.g., bin_read_o1R4) are used. See source codes, ./src/libhparx/libHparx_*.f90, for details.

Text format

A text-format example file is here: tsamp.sca. This will work with a configuration file "tsamp.conf".

The data block to be read is recognized after a line containing the following "signature":


After the signature is found, the data are read in. The following Fortran code is used for reading data.


subroutine mcarUtl__txtSca_read(iu, nanci, na, ang, phs)


!* Get phase functions from a text-format file *

integer, intent(in) :: iu ! file unit index

integer, intent(in) :: nanci ! # of ancillary data blocks

integer, intent(out) :: na(:) ! # of angles

real(R_), intent(out) :: ang(:,:) ! angles (degrees)

real(R_), intent(out) :: phs(:,:) ! phase functions

!// Note: Number of ancillary data lines should be nanci*(np + 1).

integer :: ia, ipf, nangi, npf, np, ip, naa, ianci, ierr

! Header

nangi = size(ang, 1)

npf = size(ang, 2)

! Data

ipf = 1

loop_trial: do

call skipToSign(iu, '%mdlphs', ierr)

call err_read(ierr, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtSca_read: %mdlphs is not found.')

read (iu, *, err=1, end=1)

read (iu, *, err=1, end=1) naa

call check_iI('mcarUtl__txtSca_read: naa', naa, 1, nangi)

read (iu, *, err=1, end=1) np

do ianci = 1, nanci

do ip = 1, np + 1

read (iu, *, err=1, end=1)

end do

end do

do ip = 1, np

read (iu, *, err=1, end=1)

na(ipf) = naa

do ia = 1, na(ipf)

read (iu, *, err=1, end=1) ang(ia, ipf), phs(ia, ipf)

end do

ipf = ipf + 1

if (ipf > npf) exit loop_trial

end do

end do loop_trial


1 call err_read(1, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtSca_read: ang & phs at ipf='//num2str_AN(ipf))

end subroutine mcarUtl__txtSca_read

In the above code, general purpose utility procedures (e.g., bin_read_o1R4) are used. See source codes, ./src/libhparx/libHparx_*.f90, for details.

External input file Atm_inpfile

This file should contain data of atmospheric properties in horizontally-inhomogeneous layers and can be in a text or binary format. Note that the entire atmosphre is defined for all layers iz = [1:Atm_nz], but the horizontally-inhomogeneous layers are defined only for Atm_nz3 layers with iz = [Atm_iz3l : Atm_iz3l + Atm_nz3 - 1].

IMPORTANT NOTE: Binary format is highly recommended for faster data import and flexible random data accessibility. In the future versions, it is likely that only binary format files could be accepted.

Variables read in from this file are described below. Example data files can be found in the "examples" directory.

Numbers of elements should be specified in the namelist file:

Atm_nx, Atm_ny : # of volume elements along x and y axes

Atm_nz : # of all layers

Atm_nz3 : # of horizontally-inhomogeneous layers

Atm_nkd : # of k-distribution terms

Atm_np3d : # of scattering particle polydispersions in horizontally-inhomogeneous layers


[real 3-D array, {((dat(ix, iy, iz3), ix=1, Atm_nx), iy=1, Atm_ny), iz3=1, Atm_nz3}] when Atm_mtprof=0

[real 3-D array, {((dat(ix, iy, iz3), ix=1, Atm_nx), iy=1, Atm_ny), iz3=1, Atm_nz3+1}] when Atm_mtprof=1

3-D distributions of perturbations of atmospheric temperature (K) at layers (Atm_mtprof=0) or layer interfaces (Atm_mtprof=1). Used for calculation of thermal emission when Src_mtype = 2 or 3.

When Atm_mtprof=1, an interface of index iz = Atm_iz3l (iz3=1) corresponds to the bottom boundary of the lowest inhomogeneous layer, and iz = Atm_iz3l + Atm_nz3 (iz3=Atm_nz3+1) corresponds to the top boundary of the highest inhomogeneous layer.

Planck function is assumed to vary exponentially with hight within each volume cell (i.e. log(B) is linear to altitude, where B is Planck function). When Atm_mtprof=0, temperature values at layer interfaces are automatically interpolated from the input profile.

Actual temperatures are represented as follows,

air_temp(ix, iy, iz) = Atm_tmp1d(iz) + Atm_tmpa3d(ix, iy, iz3), where iz = Atm_iz3l + iz3 - 1.

See also Atm_tmp1d and Atm_iz3l. Note that the above formula allows at least two methods:

  1. Atm_tmp1d = 0, and Atm_tmpa3d for absolute temperature

  2. Atm_tmp1d = horizontally-averaged temperature, and Atm_tmpa3d for perturbations


[real 4-D array, {(((dat(ix, iy, iz3, ikd), ix=1, Atm_nx), iy=1, Atm_ny), iz3=1, Atm_nz3), ikd=1, Atm_nkd}]

3-D distributions of perturbations of absorption coefficient (/m) for the correlated k-distribution. Actual absorption coefficients are represented as follows,

abs_coef(ix, iy, iz, ikd) = Atm_abs1d(iz, ikd) + Atm_absg3d(ix, iy, iz3, ikd)

where iz = Atm_iz3l + iz3 - 1. Note that the total coefficient may not be less than zero.

Atm_extp3d, Atm_omgp3d

[real 4-D array, {(((dat(ix, iy, iz3, ip3d), ix=1, Atm_nx), iy=1, Atm_ny), iz3=1, Atm_nz3), ip3d=1, Atm_np3d}]

Extinction coefficients (/m) and single scattering albedos, respectively, of particle components in horizontally-inhomogeneous layers with iz3=1 to Atm_nz3. A component can be a mixture of gases, aerosols and hydrometeors or a size-bin of their size distributions.


[integer 4-D array, {(((dat(ix, iy, iz3, ip3d), ix=1, Atm_nx), iy=1, Atm_ny), iz3=1, Atm_nz3), ip3d=1, Atm_np3d}]

Phase function specification parameter for each scattering component in horizontally inhomogeneous layers. Phase functions are specified in the same way as Atm_apf1d:

Atm_apf3d <= -2 : isotropic scattering phase function

-2 < Atm_apf3d <= -1 : Rayleigh scattering phase function

-1 < Atm_apf3d < 1 : Henyey-Greenstein phase function with asymmetry parameter of Atm_apf1d

1 <= Atm_apf3d : a tabulated phase function (given by the database file, see the namelist &link_anchor(mcarSca_nml_init, page=User's Guide v0.10/4b){mcarSca_nml_init})

See Atm_apf1d for more details.

Data import procedure, common for binary and text formats

It is assumed that the file has multiple data sets:

data set 1

data set 2


Data set index to be read in for a computation job can be specified by Atm_idread in the namelist file.

The following Fortran code is used for data import for a single data set.


subroutine mcarAtm__read(mbswap) !* Import data from file *


!// Note this procedure touches only layers iz = [iz3l:iz3u].

integer, intent(in) :: mbswap

integer :: ip, ikd, iz, iz3

real(R_), allocatable :: omgp3d(:,:,:,:)

! Initialize

allocate (omgp3d(Atm_nx, Atm_ny, Atm_nz3, Atm_np3d))

! Open & read in

if (Atm_mfmt == 0) then ! text

call mcarUtl__txtAtm_read(Atm_iud, Atm_nx, Atm_ny, Atm_nz3, Atm_nkd, Atm_np3d, &

& Atm_mtprof, Atm_tmpa3d(:,:,Atm_iz3l:), Atm_abst3d(:,:,Atm_iz3l:,:), &

& Atm_apfp3d(:,:,Atm_iz3l:,:), Atm_scap3d(:,:,Atm_iz3l:,:), omgp3d)

else ! binary

call mcarUtl__binAtm_read(Atm_iud, Atm_nx, Atm_ny, Atm_nz3, Atm_nkd, Atm_np3d, &

& Atm_mtprof, Atm_tmpa3d(:,:,Atm_iz3l:), Atm_abst3d(:,:,Atm_iz3l:,:), &

& Atm_apfp3d(:,:,Atm_iz3l:,:), Atm_scap3d(:,:,Atm_iz3l:,:), omgp3d, mbswap, Atm_idread)

end if

!// Atm_scap3d() represents tentatively the extinction coefficients, here.

!// Atm_abst3d() represents tentatively the gaseous absorption coefficients, here.

! Scale gaseous absorption coefficients

if (Atm_fabs3d /= 1.0_R_) Atm_abst3d(:,:, Atm_iz3l:Atm_iz3u, :) = &

& Atm_abst3d(:,:, Atm_iz3l:Atm_iz3u, :) * Atm_fabs3d

! Bext & Omega --> Bsca & Babs

do ip = 1, Atm_np3d

do iz = Atm_iz3l, Atm_iz3u

iz3 = iz - Atm_iz3l + 1

do ikd = 1, Atm_nkd

Atm_abst3d(:, :, iz, ikd) = Atm_abst3d(:, :, iz, ikd) + Atm_scap3d(:, :, iz, ip) &

& * (1.0_R_ - omgp3d(:, :, iz3, ip)) * Atm_fext3d(ip)

end do

Atm_scap3d(:, :, iz, ip) = Atm_scap3d(:, :, iz, ip) * omgp3d(:, :, iz3, ip) * Atm_fext3d(ip)

!// Now, Atm_abst3d() represents total absorption coefficients.

!// Now, Atm_scap3d() represents scattering coefficients.

end do

end do

deallocate (omgp3d)

end subroutine mcarAtm__read

As above, absorption and extinction coefficients are scaled by Atm_fabs3d and Atm_fext3d, respectively, just after data import. Subsequently extinction coefficients and single scattering albedos are converted to absorption and scattering coefficients.

One data set should have the following data streams (record lines), in a correct order:

For details, see below.

Binary format

Structure and format of the binary data file can be fully described by GrADS control file. An example is examples/les05_0045.atm.ctl:

DSET ^les05_0045.atm



OPTIONS template

TITLE les05_0045.atm

UNDEF 1.0e+37




TDEF 1 LINEAR 00:00Z00JAN0001 1YR


tmpa3d 22 99 Temperature perturbation (K)

abst3d 21 99 Absorption coefficient perturbation (/m)

extp3d 21 99 Extinction coefficient (/m)

omgp3d 21 99 Single scattering albedo

apfp3d 21 99 Phase function specification parameter


When direct access binary format (Atm_mfmt=1), record length is set as nrec=nbyte*Atm_nx*Atm_ny, where nbyte is automatically set as 1 or 4, depending on Fortran compiler.

For quickly look the data content, a small utility tool can be used: For example, at "examples/" directory,

$ ../bin/bin_dump les05_0045.atm.ctl | less

The binary data are read in by the following Fortran codes.


subroutine mcarUtl__binAtm_read(iu, nx, ny, nz3, nkd, np3d, mtprof, &

& tmpa3d, absg3d, apfp3d, extp3d, omgp3d, mbswap, idloc)


!* Read in 3-D atmosphere model parameters from a binary file *

integer, intent(in) :: iu

integer, intent(in) :: mtprof

integer, intent(in) :: nkd

integer, intent(in) :: np3d

integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny

integer, intent(in) :: nz3

real(R_), intent(out) :: tmpa3d(:, :, :), absg3d(:, :, :, :)

real(R_), intent(out) :: extp3d(:, :, :, :), omgp3d(:, :, :, :)

real(R_), intent(out) :: apfp3d(:, :, :, :)

integer, intent(in), optional :: mbswap ! flag for byte swapping (0=no, 1=yes)

integer, intent(in), optional :: idloc ! dataset location index

real(R4_) :: wrk(nx, ny) !(AUTO)

integer :: ikd, ip3d, iz, iz3max, mswap, irec

! Initialize

if (nz3 <= 0) return

if (mtprof == 0) then

iz3max = nz3


iz3max = nz3 + 1

end if

mswap = 0

if (present(mbswap) .and. mbswap == 1) mswap = 4

if (present(idloc)) then

irec = (iz3max + nz3 * (nkd + 3*np3d)) * (idloc - 1) ! = (record index to be read) - 1

call fileRec_set(iu, irec)

end if

! Read in

do iz = 1, iz3max ! temperature

call bin_read_o2R4(iu, wrk, mswap=mswap)

tmpa3d(1:nx, 1:ny, iz) = wrk(1:nx, 1:ny)

end do

do ikd = 1, nkd ! gaseous absorption coefficient

do iz = 1, nz3

call bin_read_o2R4(iu, wrk, mswap=mswap)

absg3d(1:nx, 1:ny, iz, ikd) = wrk(1:nx, 1:ny)

end do

end do

do ip3d = 1, np3d

do iz = 1, nz3 ! extinction coefficients

call bin_read_o2R4(iu, wrk, mswap=mswap)

extp3d(1:nx, 1:ny, iz, ip3d) = wrk(1:nx, 1:ny)

end do

do iz = 1, nz3 ! single scattering albedo

call bin_read_o2R4(iu, wrk, mswap=mswap)

omgp3d(1:nx, 1:ny, iz, ip3d) = wrk(1:nx, 1:ny)

end do

do iz = 1, nz3 ! phase function specification parameter

call bin_read_o2R4(iu, wrk, mswap=mswap)

apfp3d(1:nx, 1:ny, iz, ip3d) = wrk(1:nx, 1:ny)

end do

end do

end subroutine mcarUtl__binAtm_read

Text format

A text-format example file is here: tsamp.atm. This will work with a configuration file "tsamp.conf".

When sequential access text format (Atm_mfmt=0), the data block to be read is recognized after a line that contains the following line:


After the signature is found, the data are read by the following Fortran codes:


subroutine mcarUtl__txtAtm_read(iu, nx, ny, nz3, nkd, np3d, mtprof, &

& tmpa3d, absg3d, apfp3d, extp3d, omgp3d)


!* Read in 3-D atmosphere model parameters from a text file *

integer, intent(in) :: iu

integer, intent(in) :: mtprof

integer, intent(in) :: nkd

integer, intent(in) :: np3d

integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny

integer, intent(in) :: nz3

real(R_), intent(out) :: tmpa3d(:, :, 1:), absg3d(:, :, :, :)

real(R_), intent(out) :: extp3d(:, :, :, :), omgp3d(:, :, :, :)

real(R_), intent(out) :: apfp3d(:, :, :, :)

integer :: ierr, ikd, ip3d, ix, iy, iz, iz3max

! Initialize

if (nz3 <= 0) return

if (mtprof == 0) then

iz3max = nz3


iz3max = nz3 + 1

end if

iz = 0

call skipToSign(iu, '%mdla3d', ierr)

call err_read(ierr, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtAtm_read: %mdla3d is not found.')

! Temperature

read (iu, *, err=1, end=9)

do iz = 1, iz3max

read (iu, *, err=1) ((tmpa3d(ix, iy, iz), ix = 1, nx), iy = 1, ny)

end do

! Gaseous absorption coefficient

do ikd = 1, nkd

read (iu, *, err=2, end=9)

do iz = 1, nz3

read (iu, *, err=2) ((absg3d(ix, iy, iz, ikd), ix = 1, nx), iy = 1, ny)

end do

end do

! Cloud & aerosol parameters

do ip3d = 1, np3d

read (iu, *, err=3, end=9)

do iz = 1, nz3 ! extinction coefficients

read (iu, *, err=3) ((extp3d(ix, iy, iz, ip3d), ix = 1, nx), iy = 1, ny)

end do

read (iu, *, err=4, end=9)

do iz = 1, nz3 ! single scattering albedo

read (iu, *, err=4) ((omgp3d(ix, iy, iz, ip3d), ix = 1, nx), iy = 1, ny)

end do

read (iu, *, err=5, end=9)

do iz = 1, nz3 ! phase function specification parameter

read (iu, *, err=5) ((apfp3d(ix, iy, iz, ip3d), ix = 1, nx), iy = 1, ny)

end do

end do

! Exit


1 call err_read(1, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtAtm_read: tmpa3d at iz ='//num2str_AN(iz))

2 call err_read(1, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtAtm_read: absg3d at iz ='//num2str_AN(iz))

3 call err_read(1, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtAtm_read: extp3d at iz ='//num2str_AN(iz))

4 call err_read(1, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtAtm_read: omgp3d at iz ='//num2str_AN(iz))

5 call err_read(1, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtAtm_read: apfp3d at iz ='//num2str_AN(iz))

9 call err_read(-1, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtAtm_read: Unexpected EOF. Array sizes would be invalid.')

end subroutine mcarUtl__txtAtm_read

External input file Sfc_inpfile

This file should contain data of surface properties and can be in a text or binary format.

IMPORTANT NOTE : Binary format is highly recommended for faster data import and flexible random data accessibility. In the future versions, it is likely that only binary format files could be accepted.

Variables read in from this file are described below. Example data files can be found in the "examples" directory.

Numbers of elements should be specified in the namelist file:

Sfc_nxb, Sfc_nyb : # of surface elements along x and y axes

Sfc_npsfc : max # of surface parameters in a single surface element

Sfc_npsfc should be = [1,5], depending on Sfc_mbrdf, i.e. what BRDFs are used. Number of BRDF parameters differs by BRDF model kind. For example, if DSM model and Lambertian BRDFs are used (Sfc_mbrdf(1:4) = /(1,1,0,0)/, then Sfc_npsfc = 5, set automatically.


real(R_), save, allocatable :: Sfc_tmps2d(:,:) !(nxb,nyb)

Surface temperature perturbation (K). Actual temperature will be

temp(:,:) = Sfc_tmp + Sfc_tmps2d(:,:)


integer, save, allocatable :: Sfc_jsfc2d(:,:) !(nxb,nyb)

2-D distribution of type index of surface BRDF, which is assumed as follows:

0: black

1: Lambertian

2: Flx_diffuse-specular mixture (DSM) model

3: Rahman-Pinty-Verstraete (RPV) model

4: Li-Sparse-Ross-Thick (LSRT) model

When the file is in binary format, this variable is read into a real(R4_) array (4-byte elements) tentatively, and then rounded to nearest neighbor integer values.


real(R_), save, allocatable :: Sfc_psfc2d(:,:,:) !(nxb,nyb,Sfc_NPAR)

2-D distribution of surface BRDF parameters. Definitions are the same as Sfc_param.

Data import procedure, common for binary and text formats


subroutine mcarSfc__read(mbswap) !* Import data from file *

integer, intent(in) :: mbswap

integer :: nmax, i

! Initialize

nmax = 0

do i = 1, 4

if (Sfc_mbrdf(i) == 1) nmax = max(nmax, Sfc_npsfc(i))

end do

! Read in

Sfc_idloc = Sfc_idloc + 1

if (Sfc_mfmt == 0) then ! text

call mcarUtl__txtSfc_read(Sfc_iud, Sfc_nxb, Sfc_nyb, nmax, Sfc_tmps2d, Sfc_psfc2d, Sfc_jsfc2d)


if (Sfc_idloc /= Sfc_idread) Sfc_idloc = Sfc_idread

call mcarUtl__binSfc_read(Sfc_iud, Sfc_nxb, Sfc_nyb, nmax, Sfc_tmps2d, Sfc_psfc2d, &

& Sfc_jsfc2d, mbswap, Sfc_idloc)

end if

end subroutine mcarSfc__read

Binary format

Structure and format of the binary data file can be fully described by GrADS control file. An example is here:

DSET ^missing_example_file



OPTIONS template

TITLE An example

UNDEF 1.0e+37




* This example shows a case with Sfc_npsfc = 5, which may depends on Sfc_mbrdf

TDEF 1 LINEAR 00:00Z00JAN0001 1YR


tmps2d 1 99 Temperature (K)

jsfc2d 1 99 BRDF type index

psfc2d 5 99 BRDF parameters (when Sfc_npsfc = 5)


When direct access binary format (Sfc_mfmt=1), record length is set as nrec=nbyte*Sfc_nxb*Sfc_nyb, where nbyte is automatically set as 1 or 4, depending on Fortran compiler. The data are read in by the following Fortran codes.


subroutine mcarUtl__binSfc_read(iu, nxb, nyb, npsfc, tmps2d, psfc2d, jsfc2d, mbswap, idloc)


!* Read in surface model parameters from a binary file *

integer, intent(in) :: iu

integer, intent(in) :: nxb

integer, intent(in) :: nyb

integer, intent(in) :: npsfc

integer, intent(out) :: jsfc2d(:, :)

real(R_), intent(out) :: tmps2d(:, :), psfc2d(:, :, :)

integer, intent(in), optional :: mbswap ! flag for byte swapping (0=no, 1=yes)

integer, intent(in), optional :: idloc ! dataset location index

real(R4_) :: wrk(nxb, nyb) !(AUTO)

integer :: ipsfc, mswap, irec

! Initialize

mswap = 0

if (present(mbswap) .and. mbswap == 1) mswap = 4

if (present(idloc)) then

irec = (2 + npsfc) * (idloc - 1) ! = (record index to be read) - 1

call fileRec_set(iu, irec)

end if

! Read in

call bin_read_o2R4(iu, wrk, mswap=mswap)

tmps2d(1:nxb, 1:nyb) = wrk(1:nxb, 1:nyb)

call bin_read_o2R4(iu, wrk, mswap=mswap)

jsfc2d(1:nxb, 1:nyb) = nint(wrk(1:nxb, 1:nyb))

do ipsfc = 1, npsfc

call bin_read_o2R4(iu, wrk, mswap=mswap)

psfc2d(1:nxb, 1:nyb, ipsfc) = wrk(1:nxb, 1:nyb)

end do

end subroutine mcarUtl__binSfc_read

Text format

The data block to be read is recognized after a line that contains the following line:


After the signature is found, the data can be read in. The following Fortran code is used for reading data.


subroutine mcarUtl__txtSfc_read(iu, nxb, nyb, npsfc, tmps2d, psfc2d, jsfc2d)


!* Read in surface model parameters from a text file *

integer, intent(in) :: iu

integer, intent(in) :: nxb

integer, intent(in) :: nyb

integer, intent(in) :: npsfc

integer, intent(out) :: jsfc2d(:, :)

real(R_), intent(out) :: tmps2d(:, :), psfc2d(:, :, :)

integer :: ierr, ipsfc, ixb, iyb

! Signature

call skipToSign(iu, '%mdlsfc', ierr)

call err_read(ierr, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtSfc_read: %mdlsfc is not found.')

! Surface model

ipsfc = 0

read (iu, *, err=1, end=2)

read (iu, *, err=1, end=2) ((tmps2d(ixb, iyb), ixb = 1, nxb), iyb = 1, nyb)

read (iu, *, err=1, end=2)

read (iu, *, err=1, end=2) ((jsfc2d(ixb, iyb), ixb = 1, nxb), iyb = 1, nyb)

read (iu, *, err=1, end=2)

do ipsfc = 1, npsfc

read (iu, *, err=1, end=2) ((psfc2d(ixb, iyb, ipsfc), ixb = 1, nxb), iyb = 1, nyb)

end do


1 call err_read( 1, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtSfc_read: ipsfc='//num2str_AN(ipsfc))

2 call err_read(-1, iu, 'mcarUtl__txtSfc_read: ipsfc='//num2str_AN(ipsfc))

end subroutine mcarUtl__txtSfc_read

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