NEXT Chapter 16 Table Description

Student :

Our student table will register the student. University will provide each student a unique student Id during enrollment time. The purpose of this is so that no one can register on behalf of any other student. and only the student himself/herself can register for the examination using this id and password. Students only submit his/her documents and fees after the registration. In this student table store his/her whole information like his name, address fees detail, program and courses. the user can select only one course at the time.

Subjective Question :

SubQus table will contain Subjective question and it’s right answer. Here the iSubQusId is the primary key.

Objective Question :

ObjQus table will contain objective question and four options and right answer. Here the question id is the primary key.

Result :

result table will contain the result(Subjective and Objective questions) and Status of the student. This table contains the student id from which we will help us in generating the result.

Schedule :

Exam Dept managed the schedule and it to student while successfully resgistraion.This module contains information about their exam with their date.

ExamDept :

Our ExamDept table will register the institute or university Examination department administrator. This Manage Admin form can access only the controller. the controller has also controllerId and Password & controller name.. Examdept table will maintain the id and password of Examdept admin. controller will make admin for different center. The Exam Dept will manage the question bank sent by experts and evaluated the answer.