Chapter 6- Front End User

The .Net Initiative

Microsoft has introduced the .NET initiative with the intension of bridging the gap in interoperability between application. It aims at integrating various programming.

The .NET initiative offers a complete suite for developing and deploying applications. This suits consists of .NET services, and the .NET framework.

    • .Net Products :- Microsoft has already introduced Visual Studio .Net, which

    • Is tool for developing .Net applications by using programming languages such as Visual Basic, C# and Visual C++. To ensure interaction between different applications, all .Net products use Extensible Markup Language (XML) for describing and exchanging data between application.

    • .Net Services :- .Net delivers software as web services. Therefore, User can subscribe to a web service and use it as long as they need it, regardless of the hardware and software platform. Microsoft is coming up with its own set of web services, known as my services. These services are based on the Microsoft Passport Authentication service, in addition to the web services provided easily with the .Net environment.

    • The .Net Framework :- it is the foundation on which us design, develop and deploy application. Its consistent and simplified programming model makes easier to built applications.