Murder By the Book
A Mystery Lover's Website (Portland, Oregon)
Welcome to the next chapter of Murder by the Book, Portland Oregon’s mystery bookstore.
Our brick and mortar store closed in April of 2013, but our website continues in abbreviated form. Rest assured that MBTB will continue to provide news, reviews, and information about things mysterious via our Facebook page and our blog. We are looking forward to continuing the sense of community that was created over the years at Murder by the Book and welcome your ideas and suggestions. It wouldn't be the same without you.
Are you looking for ideas for what to read next?
Check out MBTB's Book Blog
* * * * * * Best Books of 2021 * * * * * *
No longer a new list but still interesting!
You will never have to search for something to read again! Start at the beginning of MBTB's favorite books of all time, and just keep going!
MBTB's Book Group
"The Other Reading Group's" in-person meetings have been put on hold at the
Belmont Branch of the Multnomah County Library
1038 SE César E. Chávez Boulevard
Our next meeting is:
We look longingly to a time when we can meet again in person!
(WE HOPE YOU FIND LOTS OF BOOKS TO READ IN THE MEANTIME! Check out our blog if you need suggestions!)
April: The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
May: Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden
June: Hadley and Grace by Suzanne Redfearn
July: Slow Horses by Mick Herron
August: Creak on the Stairs by Eva Bjorg
September: The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz
October: Clark and Division by Naomi Hirahara
Our group discussions are led by Portland author Lori L. Lake and
our monthly selections are chosen by Barbara Tom,
one of MBTB's former owners.
For more information, contact
A list of books already read by the reading group can be found here.
Information about our "Original Reading Group," held under the auspices of The Friends of Mystery, can be found here.