
I am an Associate Professor of Humanities (Philosophy) at Yale-NUS College and author of Aristotle on the Uses of Contemplation (Cambridge University Press [hardcover, 2018; paperback, 2020]). My primary areas of research and teaching include ancient Greek philosophy and comparative ethics. Recently, my paper "Aristotle's Eudemus and the Propaedeutic Use of the Dialogue Form" received the 2021 Best Article Prize from the Journal of the History of Philosophy. In the past, I have been an ACLS New Faculty Fellow in the Philosophy Department at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, and a post-doctoral fellow in virtue ethics at the University of Miami. I received a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Yale University, and a B.A. from Amherst College. 

On this site, you will find information about my research and courses. 

Here are interviews with Richard Marshall for 3:16 AM; with Malcolm Keating for the Sutras & Stuff Podcast; and with John Wynne for the Journal of the History of Philosophy Podcast.

My PhilPeople profile is available here. Contact me at matthew.walker {|at>}yale-nus.edu.sg or mattwalker2000 [{at\] gmail.com.