Regression Analysis

The videos, notes, etc. below are instructional

materials and not to be use commercially. They

are to be used in conjunction with the texts for

the course.

Unit 0: Preliminaries

Permutations and Combinations 10:06

Binomial Theorem 4:56

Differentiation 7:36

Power Rule 9:39

Power Rule for Polynomials 2:56

Some Other Derivatives 6:58

Integration 17:14

Probabilities 6:01

Moments of Random Variables 8:33

Unit 1: Simple Linear Regression

Linear Correlation Coefficient 17:36

Simple Linear Regression 16:42

Least Squares Regression Coefficients 24:26

The Regression Model 10:23

Estimating the Variance in the Error Terms 4:55

Bias and Mean Squared Error 14:42


Unit 2: Inferences for Simple Linear Regression

Hypothesis Tests for p bet1 beta0 21:35

Power 16:50

CIs for Mean Response 15:33

Prediction Intervals 6:52

Confidence Bands 19:49

Simultaneous Inferences 12:19

ANOVA Approach to Regression 20:01

Unit 3: Diagnostics and Remedial Measures for

Simple Linear Regression

Diagnostics for Residuals 1 9:04

Diagnostics for Residuals 2 22:52

Diagnostics for Residuals 3 4:04

Diagnostics for Residuals 4 9:47

Diagnostics for Residuals 5a 10:02

Diagnostics for Residuals 5b 13:01

Diagnostics for Residuals 5c 3:33

Diagnostics for Residuals 6 10:08

Diagnostics for Residuals 7 5:56

Lack of Fit 1 14:00

Lack of Fit 2 5:48

Transformations 1 7:18

Transformations 2 12:02

Unit 4: Matrix Algebra

Matrices 0 15:02

Matrices 1 20:43

Matrices 2 10:11

Matrices 3 9:47

Matrices 4 5:47

Matrices 5 16:15

Unit 5: The General Linear Model

General Linear Model 1 22:31

General Linear Model 2 12:33

General Linear Model 3 15:18

General Linear Model 4 19:47

General Linear Model 5 22:29

General Linear Model 6 8:25

General Linear Model 7 10:43

General Linear Model 8 37:21

Unit 6: Diagnostics

Unit 7: Problems with the Predictors

Unit 8: Problems with the Errors

Weighted Least Squares 1 19:51

Weighted Least Squares 1 notes

M-Estimation 9:06

Robust Regression

Robust Regression 21:07

Unit 9: Transformations

The first set of notes are mine (and yours). Please work

through those and watch the videos. In addition, refer to

Chapter 9 from Linear Models with R, by Julian Faraway.

Read/work through this chapter with R as needed.

Homework: submit solutions to problems 1, 3, and 6 from

the end of Faraway's chapter on transformation (chapter 9).

Also, submit solutions to at least one of the MLE problems

at the end of the MLE notes. Grad students: choose at least

one additional MLE problem. Anyone (undergrads and grads)

can submit solutions to additional MLE problems for extra credit.

MLE Notes

MLE1 14:58

MLE2 6:56

MLE3 8:52

Transformations R Code

BoxCox 11:41

log(y + alpha) and Broken Stick 11:19

Polynomial Models 22:09

Quadratic Regression Excel Spreadsheet (in the files list at the bottom of this webpage)

Splines 8:31

Unit 10: Building the Regression Model I:

Variable Selection

Please mainly work through my notes and videos below this

week. You will also want to refer to Chapter 10 of Faraway.

However, I have found An Introduction to Statistical Learning

with Applications in R, by James, Witten, Hastie, and Tibshirani

extremely helpful (chapters 2, 5, 6). This is an excellent, excellent

text, and you should feel free to look to it for reference as needed.

You can find a freed pdf version of this text online.

The homework for this week appears AT THE END OF MY

PDF NOTES. Please submit solutions to problems 1, 2, 3, 6, and

either 4 or 5. You may do the other one (5, or 4) for extra credit.

Building the Regression Model

Model Selection Code for Faraway

Intro 8:28

Bodyfat Example 10:46

Validation I 11:27

Validation II 4:20

Validation III 2:58

Example: MPG vs. Horsepower

LOOCV and K-Fold CV 12:35


Unit 11: Building the Regression Model II:

Shrinkage Methods

For this week, please refer to my notes (below, called

ModelBuildingIIShrinkageMethods). Please submit solutions

to all five homework problems that appear at the end of the notes.

These notes (and most examples therein) are taken from

various sources, mainly your Faraway text, Introduction

to Statistical Learning with R, Applied Linear Statistical Models,

Linear Models and Generalizations by Rao and Tautenburg,

the online statistics course notes at Penn State, and

Andrew Ng's machine learning notes (Stanford).

Model Building II: Shrinkage Methods

Shrinkage R Code for Faraway PCR 1

Shrinkage R Code for Faraway PCR 2

Partial Least Squares, Ridge, and Lasso


Unit 12: Categorical Predictors

For homework, open the infmort data from the faraway

package. Read the online documentation for this data

set (do a web search, or type ?infmort at the R prompt

after loading the faraway package). Use R to find a simple

model for the infant mortality rate in terms of the other

variables. Watch out for outliers and influential observations,

(you know ways of detecting these) and definitely check

and correct for any model assumptions that might not

hold (e.g., homoskedasticity). Make plenty of graphs,

and be sure to interpret your model by explaining what

your regression parameters mean in layman's terms. If

you make any kind of transformation, be sure to explain

how your final model should be interpreted.

Categorical Predictors Code

Categorical Predictors 1 16:29

Categorical Predictors 2 35:36

Categorical Predictors 3 42:41

Unit 13: Logistic Regression

Here's the last part! Please work through the first 10

pages of Chapter 2 of Extending the Linear Model

with R, by Julian Faraway (see the pdf below). Please

do the homework I've posted below and submit to the

dropbox. Again, you won't need to read the entire

chapter to do this homework- just the first few pages.

Please submit this homework any time before the final exam.

Binomial Data


Logistic Regression 1 35:13

Logistic Regression 2 14:17

Logistic Regression 3 11:22

Logistic Regression 4 17:26

Logistic Regression Homework