Experimental Design (Old)

Project Guidelines

Your project proposal is due Thursday, Feb. 23. It must be typed and no more than two pages. You should include three sections:

1. Overview: Give a brief overview of what you are investigating. Tell the reader what the response will be, and what the factors are. You must have at least two factors, and at least one of them should be a nuisance factor.

2. Experiment: Describe how you plan to carry out the experiment. Be as detailed as possible. If you fail to plan your experiment well, you can wind up with a mess and have to start over, which can be expensive and embarrassing (especially if you received grant funding). Also, state what (if any) concerns you have about carrying out the experiment (safety, expense, logistical, etc.) and how you plan to manage those concerns.

3. Design and Analysis: Based on what your trying to do, you will need to select an appropriate design model. This can require some thought. See me if you need help. You will need to explain how you determine how many replicates to make for each combination of factors.