Statistical Methods / Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning

Matt Jones

Austin Peay State University

Maynard 236


Unit 1. Descriptive Statistics I: Charts & Graphs, Basic Statistics

1 Intro 14:55

2 R Intro 1 24:42

3 R Intro 2 19:01

4 Measures of Location and Spread 5:19

5 Measures of Location and Spread 8:37

6 Measures of Location and Spread 13:10

Unit 2. Descriptive Statistics II: Association

1 More Measures of Location and Spread 12:03

2 Empirical Rule 8:03

3 CV and Boxplots 24:06

4 Association and Correlation 23:49

Old Exams

Spring 2011 Exam I Solutions

Spring 2011 Exam II Solutions

Spring 2010 Exam II

Spring 2010 Exam III

Spring 2010 Final Exam

Spring 2011 Final Exam

TI-83/84 Calculator Programs

Here are some codes you may use in your TI calculators for calculating F values, Chi-sq values, and CIs for variance ratios. They appear courtesy of Justin Owens.



:Input "DENOM. DF: ",D

:Input "1-ALPHA: ",A

Disp "F: ",solve(Fcdf(0,X,N,D)-A,X,5,{-10^99})


:Input "DF: ",D

:Input "1-ALPHA: ",A

:Disp "X2: ",solve(X2cdf(0,X,D)-A,X,1,{-10^99,10^99})


:Input "S1: ",S

:Input "S2: ",T

:Input "F LOW: ",F

:Input "F HIGH: ",G

:Disp "","[",((S2)/(T2)*F),",",(S2)/(T2)*G)

:Disp "]"

Should be important to note that when doing confidence intervals you use reverse degrees of freedom in F1-alpha/2,df2,df1 and Falpha/2,df2,df1 for lower and upper bounds respectively instead of the typical Falpha,df1,df2. or Falpha/2,df1,df2. Just an important thing to keep in mind when using my invF program.

Revised INVF........................................


Input "SAMPLE1 SIZE: ",N

Input "SAMPLE2 SIZE: ",D

Input "ALPHA: ",A


Input "YES=1,NO=0: ",Z

If Z=1

Disp "","F LOWER: ",solve(Fcdf(0,X,(D-1),(N-1))-(A/2),X,5,{-10^99,10^00})

If Z=1

Disp "","F LOWER: ",solve(Fcdf(0,X,(D-1),(N-1))​-(1-(A/2)),X,5,{-10^99,10^00})

If Z=0

Disp "","F: ",solve(Fcdf(0,X,(N-1),(D-1))-(1-A),X,5,{-10^99,10^99})

You'll also notice I've changed the parameters from numerator/denominator degrees of freedom to SAMPLE1 SIZE and SAMPLE2 SIZE. This eliminates the confusion when calculating the lower/upper values for F intervals. In this calculation it will swap degrees of freedom appropriately when calculating these values.

Midterm Exam

Review for your exam.

Formula Page and Tables

for Use on Exams

(Coming Soon!!!)

Unit 8. Inferences on Population Variances

1 Sample Variance Behavior 6:55

2 CI for One Population Variance 9:27

3 Hypothesis Test for One Population Variance 11:25

4 Inference for Two Population Variances 14:41

5 CIs for Two Population Variances 12:30

6 Hypothesis Test for Two Variances 4:26

7 Tests for Multiple Variances: Hartley's Fmax Test 16:34

8 Tests for Multiple Variances: Bartlett's Test 4:08

9 Tests for Multiple Variances: Levene's Test 3:00

10 Test for Multiple Variances: A Permutation-Based Test 8:27

Unit 9. Inferences for Multiple Means I

1 ANOVA: Intro 5:23

2 Simultaneos CIs 12:28

3 ANOVA: Intuition 1 17:21

4 ANOVA: Intuition 2 21:09

5 ANOVA: TSS = SSB + SSW 5:37

6 ANOVA 14:37

7 ANOVA: Intuition 3 14:56

8 ANOVA: Fixed Effects for CRD 8:03

Unit 10. Inferences on Multiple means 2

1 ANOVA: Estimating Model Parameters 10:46

2 ANOVA: Checking Model Adequacy 17:25

3 Data Transformations 13:15

4 Nonparametric Alternative: Kruskal-Wallis 12:19

Unit 11. Inferences on Population Proportions

1 Behavior of Sample Proportions 17:17

2 CIs for One Population Proportion 26:52

3 Minimum Required Sample Size for CI 7:18

4 Hypothesis Tests for One Population Proportion 31:50

5 Behavior of Sample Proportion Differences 4:39

6 CIs for Proportion Differences 14:29

7 Hypothesis Tests for Proportion Differences 21:00

8 Randomization Tests and Fisher's Exact Test 14:37

Unit 12. Chi-Square Procedures

Chi-Square GOF Tests 18:44

Chi-Square Tests for Independence 21:24

Chi-Square Tests for Homogeneity 5:24

Final Exam Review

Formula Page and Tables

for Use on Exams

(Coming Soon!!!)

Remember to participate in the D2L discussions regularly!