Cold Wars '09 Round Two

Steve Payne and I (English War of the Roses) take on Bill and Mott McCampbell (Later Medieval German with Swiss allies).

Terrain and deployment:

The Germans loaded up the board with woods and hills. They probably wanted the woods

to reduce the effectiveness of our longbows. We thought the terrain setup went very well for us.

We anchored our flank on a gentle, brushy hill. Our plan was to push our longbow battlegroups

through the marsh, steep hill, and woods to turn the German flank. Our men-at-arms, border

spear, and allied and militia longbow would hold our right flank.

The left:

Our medium foot raced through the bad going and immediately put pressure on the German

right flank. Two battlegroups of men-at-arms formed column and plodded through the marsh

at a more sedate pace.

The center:

With absolutely no other target to attack, it appears the Swiss are going to assault the longbow

on the hill protecting our right flank. It won't be easy, but they are Swiss.

The Center:

And here they come! The main phalanx is going to be roughly handled by the allied longbow defending the

hill. However our ally general is going to bite the dust while personally leading the his dismounted men-at-

arms at the base of the hill. This causes major problems when the longbow start losing stands and go disrupted.

The militia (poor) longbow do a great job shooting up the knights who are trying to turn our flank. The German

crossbow on our far right will beat up our Irish camp guards.

The left:

It takes a while to get through the woods. German handgunners have done a great job slowing

down the works. The German armored spearmen will soon be overwhelmed by masses of

English longbow. When they go down it spells doom for the German army.

After action report:

The terrain was wonderful for the English. Our flank was secure and we had lots of great

medium foot to push through the bad going. The Germans had a hard time finding good


The dice were also much friendlier this battle.

Time was called before the Germans broke. Victory to the Lancastrains 15.7 to 4.3.