220BC Campaign


Just brainstorming ideas

Countries: Rome, Gaul, Hellenistic Greece, Macedon, Bosporus, Seleucid Kingdom, Ptolemaic Kingdom, and Carthage.

Campaign Goal: Conquer the World or gain the title "the Great" (whichever comes first).

Army Size is determined by a 2d6 roll. Armies are limited to options available in 220 BC. No allies except for those sent by other players.

Modifiers (apply to each of a country's armies).

-2/home territory lost before this turn.

+1/enemy territory captured before this turn.

+1 start turn in a home province.

+0 start turn in a friendly province.

-1 start turn in an enemy province.

-2 lost a battle (or naval movement failure) in the last two turns.

-1 if your detachment was in a losing battle in the last two turns (or was massacred).

+1/prestige point spent on recruiting.

After five enemy provinces have been captured, a second army can be formed. Each additional army negates five (+1) bonuses for captured enemy provinces.


Ignore all allies from the FoG army lists. The only allied contingents permitted will come from other players.

Allied contingents must include one general. The general cannot be an inspired commander.

Allied contingents can range in size from one Battle Group up to 150 Army Points

Allied contingents can be drawn from any of the units listed in the appropriate FoG army list. Campaign exclusions must be followed.

The points, stands, and generals devoted to an ally are then unavailable to the main army.

Allies starting the turn with the main army are treated as usual in regards to battlefield deployment.

Allies joining the main army during the turn are treated as follows:

Roll 1d6

1=start with the main army as if they had started the turn with their ally.

2=arrive as a flank march on the allies base edge.

3=arrive as a flank march on the friendly left flank edge.

4=arrive as a flank march on the friendly right flank edge.

5=arrive as a flank march on the enemy's left flank edge.

6=arrive as a flank march on the enemy's right flank edge.

Allied contingents can be declared as unreliable by the owning player. They are turned over to the "enemy" at any point after deployment, but before they have engaged in combat with the "enemy". If they engage in combat with the "enemy" they remain reliable to the army they deployed with.

Ally massacre. You can massacre "friendly" allied contingents. They must be in the same province as your main army.

You may choose to massacre allies sent to help you at any point during the turn except mid-battle.

You can simply await their arrival and massacre them as they show up.

You can massacre them after a victorious battle. Ingrate.

There is a 1/3 chance that the target of the massacre attempt will evade the massacre and evade to friendly territory.


The first player to attain +10 prestige points is declared "the Great" and is the winner of the campaign.

A player whose prestige falls to -10 is immediately the subject of a coup. Their army(ies) immediately return home and take no action for one turn (except for the defense of the provinces from foreign invasion). Following this turn the player's prestige is returned to "0" as the coup leader takes charge.

Prestige is determined by the following events:

Victory in battle: +2

Victory in battle as an ally:+1

Each enemy province gained: +1

Loss in battle in a foreign country: -1

Loss in battle as an ally (or detachment was massacred) -1.

Loss of a home province: -3

Turn Sequence:

1) Game master announces the start of a turn. Army sizes posted.

2) Players turn in written orders:

Movement Orders (Up to three spaces by land and/or sea. Any passage of a sea space subject to random "naval movement failure."

Allied contingent "army lists" must be submitted to the Game Master at the time orders are submitted.

(Main armies are drawn up at the time of battle.)

Battle Orders

Engage Enemy: Your forces are ordered to engage enemy units discovered.

You may place conditions on your engagement orders. "Engage Roman army unless an ally joins them. Otherwise evade home."

Evade Enemy: Your forces attempt to evade the enemy and move into another home/friendly territory.

You must specify the province you are evading to.

Stand Siege: Your forces hole up in a fortress and stand siege.

Other Orders

Prestige points spent on recruiting in the following season.

Massacre of "allies".

3) Battle resolution

Battle will be played by the Game Master's game club. Battles that cannot be scheduled will be farmed out to other FoG players.

4) Battle reports/turn results reported.


Armies can move three spaces.

Allied contingents can move four spaces.

Naval movement

Armies and allied contingents can move across sea spaces.

Any move that involves passage across sea spaces involves the risk of "naval movement failure."

Roll 1d6

1=naval movement failure. The army returns to the last land space.

2=naval movement failure. Movement is successful, but army immediately takes the "naval movement failure" army size penalty.

3-6=successful movement.

If armies without orders regarding the other party cross paths, the owning players will be contacted as to what actions they wish to take.