Cold Wars '09 Round One

Steve Payne and I (English War of the Roses) take on Harvey Harmon and Danny Weitz (Scots Isles and Highlands).

The Battlefield and Deployment:

Our plan is to delay them on the right with our light horse (of which they have none) while turning their flank

on the left.

On the left:

Our longbow advance out of their forward position in the gully. They get a good jump on the Highlanders

in front of them. However, I have failed to give them maneuver room on my left. Our lancer cavalry can't

quite squeeze past. This mistake is going to cost us when the fighting begins.

Apparently this battle was taking place in a driving rainstorm (blowing right into the faces of the

English). Longbow fire was utterly ineffective and the Highlanders hit us hard. The lancers,

instead of hitting a single unit, find themselves up against two enemy battlegroups. The four stand,

average cavalry unit can't stand up to much punishment.

In the center:

The Islemen have made their way across the table. We are pretty confident our dismounted

men-at-arms can handle them.

Back on the left:

The cavalry and one unit of longbow fold. Our left is in trouble. One unit of Irish Kerns

(medium foot with light spear) hold the flank.

In the Center:

The Scots Islanders crash into the men-at-arms and smash them to bits. Ugly.

The Irish rout a unit of Highlanders! Hooray! Let's ignore the fact that every other unit on the flank

has run away.

After action report.

I don't like to blame dice, but arrggghhhh.... this was unbelievable!

On the left my longbow did absolutely nothing with bowfire and impact rolls. To add insult to injury,

Harvey's combat rolls were fantastic.

The same thing happened in the center. Steve's rolls were a little better than mine, but Danny was

hitting with 7 out of 8.

My cohesion and death rolls were decent, but it was too little, too late. I had to hit the Highlanders

hard with shooting and at impact. It didn't happen.

The only major mistake I made was with the lancer cavalry on our left. They would have been

much more effective if I had given them a little room.

A 22.3 to 2.7 victory to Harvey and Danny.