Hong Kong Politics Database

The Hong Kong Politics Database is created for those who might be less familiar with Hong Kong, but are interested in further understanding local politics. As a lot of important materials are only available in Chinese, the current database aims to provide a systematic way to overview major events in Hong Kong after 1997 with English/translated Chinese articles. 


Year                                                       Event 

 2016                        旺角騷亂 Mongkok Riots


            2015                        大專退聯 Disintegration of the Hong Kong Federation of Students


            2014                        雨傘運動 Umbrella Movement

            2013                        香港電視不獲發牌 The rejection of HKTV’s TV licence application

            2012                         1)反水貨行動、(2)反國教 

                                             (1) Anti-parallel trading (2) Anti-national education movement

            2011                         遞補方案及拉布 Filibustering

            2010                         五區總辭及政改方案 "De-facto Referendum"and the political reform

            2009                         反高鐵運動 Campaign against the Guangzhou–Hong Kong high-speed rail

            2008                         黃毓民立法會擲蕉 Legislator Wong Yuk-man threw bananas in the LegCo

            2007                         十大基建 Ten major infrastructure projects

            2006                         清拆天星碼頭 Demolition of the Star Ferry Pier    

            2005                         世貿韓農示威 South Korean farmers' protest against the WTO

            2004                         人大第二次釋法:否決0708雙普選

                                             The second interpretation of the Basic Law by the NPCSC and

                                             the rejection of the 07/08 suffrage

            2003                          03七一遊行 1 July march

            2002                          孫九招 Suen’s nine measures on housing

            2001                          莊豐源案 Director of Immigration v. Chong Fung Yuen

            2000                          施君龍案 Shi Junlong’s arson attack

            1999                          人大第一次釋法:居港權釋法

                                              The first interpretation of the Basic Law of the NPCSC

            1998                          亞洲金融風暴 Asian financial crisis

            1997                          主權移交

                                              The transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty

                                              to China and the establishment of Hong

                                              Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)

The project is supported by the University of Hong Kong Teaching Development Grants. The majority of the information provided here is based on the input from student helpers. Although I take responsibility for ensuring the accuracy of the information, the views expressed in here do not necessarily reflect the views of the creator, the Department of Politics and Public Administration, or the University.  Please contact me at yhmwong@hku.hk if you have any questions or comments.

 Count Since 30 December 2016: