2004 - 人大第二次釋法:否決0708雙普選 The second interpretation of the Basic Law by the NPCSC and the rejection of the 07/08 suffrage


Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa established the Constitutional Development Task Force, which published a report on Hong Kong's constitutional development later. The Hong Kong public became concerned about electoral reforms for the Chief Executive and the LegCo in 2007 and 2008 respectively. The pan-democrats mobilized and even proposed a referendum to support the introduction of universal suffrages in 2007-08.


On 6 April, the NPCSC made an interpretation on the Basic Law, which stated that apart from the original legal procedures, two more steps are needed to be made in order to amend the selection methods for the CE and LegCo: 1) The CE to make a report to NPCSC regarding the amendments of the selection methods. 2) The NPCSC shall then determine in the light of the actual situation of Hong Kong and according to the principle of gradual and orderly progress. On 26 April, NPCSC ruled out universal suffrage of the CE and LegCo elections in 2007 and 2008 respectively.


Although this was not the first interpretation of the Basic Law, this was the first time an interpretation was given without the request of the Hong Kong government. This was regarded by pan-democrats as a huge blow to on Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy.

News Report from China Daily, 26 April 2004

News Report from Asia Times, 29 April 2004

News Report from CNN International, 01 July 2004

News Report from Wall Street Journal, 13 September 2004


Pro-Beijing commentary, Wen Wei Po, 07 April 2004 (Chinese) (English-translated)

Pro-Democracy commentary, Apple Daily, 09 April 2004 (Chinese) (English-translated)