ALP Level II & II - Math website

         this website will provide useful information

      regarding the Level II and Level III Math classes...


      Math is a journey that we have all embarked upon

                    from the moment we are born... 

      scientists.. astrologists.. engineers.. artists.. 

                               all use math

    math is found everywhere everyday in everything  ...    even in nature


This site will serve as an additional resource for class and can be useful in your own journey with math

        to navigate the website...

        click on any of the quick links 

        found along the left side of the screen 

                                                                                                                   Please note that                                                                                         

 at any point you can go to the Questions / Comments page     

and leave a comment or ask your teacher something.     


Hopefully these and many other questions will be answered as you navigate through the website.



Course Description

Welcome to the Cunard Learning Centre's Adult Learning Program Mathematics course. Each level has been divided into different units of study, building on your prior knowledge and acquired skills. Although learners are encouraged to move at their own pace, each unit of study should take three to four weeks to complete with regular attendance and applied learning. With steady attendance and progression through the units this level of study should take an average of twenty-five to thirty weeks to complete.

Level II will cover subjects such as... whole numbers, fractions, decimals & percentages, tables & graphs, statistics & probability, basic shapes, an introduction to measurement, and developing your money management skills.  We will also focus on becoming more familiar with mathematics in our everyday lives.

In Level III we will cover subjects such as... number sense, ratio & proportion, statistics, a more detailed look at the systems of measurement, geometry, algebra, as well as further development of your consumer math skills.  Level III will also include a unique project connecting mathematics to your own individual career path.

Throughout each course your ability to think mathematically will improve through the time you devote to your unit work, with new vocabulary, and the development of your problem solving skills.  You will also create your own personal math journal filled with discoveries, rules, hints, and examples of math concepts.


my name is andré davey

I am the math teacher.

Presented at Spotlight on Learning 2010: Becoming Agents of Change

                               (click on image to enlarge)