Teaching & Mentoring

Teaching at the University of Queensland

Teaching at the University of British Columbia 

Teaching at the University of Chicago 

Seminar Organisation

Zoom Lecture Series on Weil Conjectures (Semesters I, 2023) 

This Zoom Lecture Series aimed to give a historical introduction to the Weil conjectures for Australian students. For more, see the dedicated website

Zoom Lecture Series: An invitation to representation theory in Farsi (2021) 

This Zoom Lecture Series aimed to give a historical introduction to representation theory for Iranian students. For more, see the website

WiSe Seminar (2020-2022)

This Zoom Seminar Series aimed to present a new material each week and be of broad interest. It is motivated by the column of Notices of American Maths Society's colum "What is a ...".  For more see the dedicated website.

QFT Seminar (2013-2019) - University of Queensland 

Upon arrival at the University of Queensland in January 2013, together with some colleagues we started a learning seminar series called the Quantum Field Theory Seminar. Every semester, we choose a topic that we want to cover, and solicitude volunteers to give talks. The topics we have studied include: conformal field theory, affine algebras, Q-systems, Category O, .... The volunteers have arranged from undergraduate students to full professor. See the QFT Seminar Webpage for more details. 

Here is some material for the winter school. 

Seminar on Geometric Satake, University of Bonn, 2011

Seminar on Nearby Cycles, University of British Columbia, 2009

Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Chicago, 2006