The Quantum Field Theory Seminar is a learning seminar run by a group of mathematicians to educate themselves and others (including students) about mathematical aspects of quantum field theory. It is modelled after German's arbeitsgemeinschaft. We meet every Thursday from 3 till we get tired. The usual discourse is that the speaker is interrupted by many questions and comments. This is to enhance our understanding not belittling the speaker. The rules are: ask questions, be respectful, check ego at the door!


Semester II:

Lead organizer: Masoud Kamgarpour and Ramiro Lafuente

Topic: Symmetric spaces (Syllabus)

Academic staff: Ole Warnaar, Jorgen Rasmussen, Masoud Kamgarpour, Travis Scrimshaw, Valentin Buciumas

Semester I

Lead organizer: Valentin Buciumas

Topic: Lattice Models and applications (Syllabus)

Academic Staff: Ole Warnaar, Jorgen Rasmussen, Masoud Kamgarpour, Travis Scrimshaw



Lead organizer: Ole Warnaar

Topic: Hecke algebras (Syllabus)


Lead organizer: Peter McNamara

Topic: Quantum Groups (Syllabus)


Semester II

Lead organiser: Masoud Kamgarpour

Topic: Finite W-algebras (Syllabus)

Semester I

Lead organizer: Peter McNamara

Topic: Quantum invariants of knots and Links (Syllbaus)


Semester II

Lead organizer: Peter McNamara

Topic: Category O (Syllabus)

Semester I

Lead organiser: Masoud Kamgarpour

Topic: Vertex algebras (Syllabus)


Semester II

Semester I


Semester II

Semester I


Semester II

Semester I