

A selection of scenes from Martin Simpson's films


'A GIRL LIKE U' - 2011 - Short Film. Written Directed, Produced.

'VENUS AND THE CAT' 2010 - Short film. Written and Directed.

'P.H.O.B.O.S.' 2009 - Feature Film. Written and Directed. (in post production)

‘FALLOUT’ 2008 – Original feature screenplay.

‘IN THE FRAME’ 2007 – Original feature screenplay.

‘GENE-X’ 2006 – Feature Film. 87 mins. Written Produced and Directed.

Premiered at the 2007 London –Australian Film Festival at the Barbican.

‘HARRY & ME’ 2004 – Original feature screenplay.

‘MODERN FACES OF ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIA’ 2004. –Documentary Co-Producer. 60 mins. Broadcast on France 3 Television – prime time.

Three short documentaries shown on ‘Faut pas Rèver’ Prime time French Television Magazine.

GULPILIL. 2004 12 mins. Co-producer

BUSH TUKKA. 2004 12 mins. Co-producer

GAY MARDI GRAS. 2004 12 mins. Co-producer

‘THE McGUFFIN OF LOVE’ 2004 – Short film. 8mins. Directed. Co-written, Winner: ‘Best Picture’, ‘Best Actor’, ‘Best Cinematography’, ‘Best musical score’ at NAFA Action Fest 2004.

‘DEEP WATER’ 2003 - Original Feature Screenplay Fifth draft. Shortlisted in Paramount’s 2003 Chesterfield film Project, Quarterfinalist in Scriptapalooza 2004.

‘VISITORS’ 2002 – Feature Film. Sole script Editor.

‘CASUALTY & LIFE’ 2002 – Short film. 7 mins. Written, Directed.

‘ALL IN THE MIND’ 1999 – Short film. 5mins. Written. Co-directed.

‘AFTER IMAGE’ 1998 – Feature screenplay. Written for Richard Franklin, director of ‘Psycho II’, Hotel Sorrento, etc.

‘THE FYRES’ 1998 – Short film 6 mins. Written. Co-directed.

‘BLOOD SWEAT AND TEETH’ 1997 – Short film. 7 mins. Effects, editing, sound, additional direction. Winner: ‘Most Disturbing Film’ at the Honolulu Underground Film Festival.

‘VERMIN’ (MetFest finalist) 1996 – Short film. 4 mins. Written, directed, produced, performed.

‘CURLY’S PARADISE’ 1996 – Feature screenplay. Written Shortlisted in the 1997 Becker Entertainment writer’s competition. Unproduced.

‘THE GREAT TEMPLE OF CAO DAI AT TAY NINH’ 1994 - Documentary. 20 mins. Written, directed, produced.

‘THE OPAL TREE’ 1994 – Feature screenplay written for Werner Meyer, Glass Bear award winning German director. Unproduced.

‘BRAINS’ 1990 – Feature film Written. In 1992 it was produced by Hollywood director Stewart Gordon – director of thrillers such as Re-animator. Abandoned in pre-production for reasons unknown.

‘BRIDGEWORK’ 1984 – Feature film Original Screenplay developed with the assistance of the NSW Film Corp. Unproduced

‘DOUBLETTE’ 1986 – Short film. 4 mins. Written.

‘BLUE LAGOON’ 1979 – Feature Film. 105 mins. Parrot wrangler, crew doctor.

‘JEREMY AND TEAPOT’ 1974 - Children’s Film starring Jack Thomson. 15 mins. General dogsbody.


‘THE TATTOOED ARM’ - 2015. Buy HERE on

‘BRAINS’ - 1995. Published by Ompyx Communications.



Book Reviews on ABC - ‘Books and Writing’ 1984 - ‘Any Man Can’, ‘Dancing with Mermaids’, ‘Every Occasion’.

ABC radio drama ‘The Demolished Man’ by John Baxter 1984. - Music - composed and performed all soundtrack music and effects.


‘The Hundredth Room’ 2004 – docu-drama. Featured extra.

Lead role in “VERMIN’ 1996 - short film.

Lead role in ‘SWING RACER’ 1994 - TVC

Lead role in ‘TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING’ 1989 - film docu-drama written and directed by Jessica Douglas-Henry.

Screenwise Acting Courses.

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